Sunday, March 31, 2013

A Special Easter

Victor's friend Caleb, born the exact same day as Victor!

This lovely show of friendship and affection immediately preceded 
a terrible fall backward for Victor's little friend.  
I am afraid I was an accomplice, being distracted from rescuing him by taking this sweet photo!

Today was a notable day at Bethlehem, being Pastor John's last day on staff as pastor.  He spoke live at all 3 campuses.  We are thankful to God for his ministry.

And we are far more thankful for the Christ he proclaimed--who died, was buried, and rose again the third day.  Praise the Lord!

He Is Risen!

The happiest news in all the world!  Happy Resurrection Day to you!

Last night we had an early start to our Easter celebration, and an early start to celebrating Ben's birthday (April Fool's baby) with the Kattersons.  A delightful gathering!

A walk around the block, such a beautiful day!  Breaking in Victor's new wagon.  :)

Coloring Easter eggs

The kids found some plastic eggs with different snippets of the story of Passion Week, Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection and worked together to put them in chronological order.

May the Lord give a powerful understanding of what the celebration this Sunday signifies.  Death is conquered!  Christ is risen!  Alleluia!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Maundy Thursday

A quiet Thursday night, like tonight.  Thirteen men in a borrowed room, leaning on elbows hardened by wind and work.  The dim light flickered, casting shadows bigger than the figures that bent over dinner.  Unleavened bread … the centerpiece of this season, cracked and crumbled into shards.  “This is My body.”  Broken, crushed, snapped in two.  Fragments melted in their mouths as they weighed those words.  My body, what a curious phrase; what could He be saying, do you think?

Shadows deepened, glancing off the stream of wine poured into a cup.  He bowed over the cup, this cup that held so little wine, so much less than the blood coursing through His veins. 

“Thank You, Father.”  He meant it, somehow.  A word of thanks, though the hands that held the cup might just have trembled, letting one small splatter hit the table, leaving a dark red stain.  “This is My blood, poured out for many.”  One drank, and passed the cup along to another, rubbing his mouth with the back of his hand.  He looks so grim tonight, though He said He was eager for this meal. 

A hushed company trooped behind Him, leaving the quiet security of the room.  They muttered to one another on the way.  The wind felt cold in the dark, pulling at their hair and moaning around the bushes.  They were only twelve now, though few had noticed when Judas slipped outside, on some business or other. 

He brought the three further into the garden, close enough to see that there was sweat on His forehead and trouble clouding His eye.  “Please keep watch.”  And there, just feet away, He fell, a groan of deepest, bleakest grief.  The dampness from the ground seeped through His tunic, while He wrestled forces that could not be seen.   “Abba!  Father!”  What does a son do, when facing every nightmare come to life, but cry for papa’s rescue?  But what is this desperate yielding, which will not cling but resolutely steps into the arms of hate?

Ashamed, bleary from sleep and grief, his friends stumbled up at His word.  Advancing torches blazed above a hoard.  One drew forward, a comfortable, familiar greeting, “Rabbi,” and kissed His cheek.

And so broke the tide upon that Rock.

One hour they were granted.  To seize Him.  Desert Him.  Accuse Him.  Condemn Him.  Spit, beat, slap Him.  Mock Him.  Deny Him.  Scourge Him.  Adorn Him.  Crucify and crush Him.  Complain against and catcall.  Cast their lots and shake their heads.  Linger while He hangs there.   Watch Him til He’s good and dead.

One hour.   

And as its capstone, He cried aloud and with His body ripped in two the veil that kept wicked mortals from the presence of the Holy One.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Night of Wakefulness


Lying in the dark, the heavy hand of weariness pressing down.  Mind buzzing with no thoughts.  Ears straining for the next cough to punctuate the stillness.  Groaning for him, and groaning for me.

Trying to fight the futility and frustration and thoughts of the coming day with Philippians 4.

Rejoice in the Lord always.
Let your gentle spirit be known to all men.
The Lord is near.
Be anxious for nothing.
Whatever is good, honorable, pure, right, of good repute, excellent, worthy of praise, dwell on these things.

I can't always tell if he's whimpering, or if it's just me.

I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.

How would we learn that lesson, with no broken days and nights?

Monday, March 18, 2013

Good Medicine

At last, a good nap, and we can smile again.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Prayer for the Little Man

It was just about five months ago that Victor got the nasty bugger of a cold that bestowed the not-to-be-shaken cough and subsequent nebulizer treatments.

And after five cold-free months (from a health standpoint, that is), the poor little buddy is down for the count again.  It really just came on yesterday, but within a half a day, he was coughing up junk, with a low-grade fever and lethargy that just isn't normal.

He coughed through the night and woke up several times, but I think he still got decent rest.  We've really upped the ante on neb treatments (going from one budesonide per day, to two budesonides and three albuterols).  We're watching Bible Action Songs (thanks, Watters family!) while we neb, and now Ben and I both have those catchy little ditties stuck in our head all day. 

But I confess to feeling fairly apprehensive about the next couple days.  When I took Victor to the doctor yesterday, she said the worst will be days 3 and 4, most likely (that's about when he hit the worst in October).  But I feel like he's already hitting some choky times, so I'd appreciate prayer especially for tomorrow and Monday.

Read Psalm 16 this morning:

Preserve me, O God, for I take refuge in You.  I said to the LORD, "You are my Lord; I have no good besides You.

It's good to have a refuge.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Dat (i.e. Duck)

A few snapshots of the little fellow and his beloved duck (or "Dat" as he calls him).

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Big Hands

I am officially falling behind in the fight to keep toys picked up.  Victor is industrious, he's got quick hands, and he's still looking fresh and energetic when I'm about pooped out.

But you can tell that our frenetic efforts to pick up toys is making an impression.  Victor now tries to pick up his blocks two at a time, just like we do.

He still, however, dumps them out as soon as he puts them in the bucket.

Boy we sure love that little mess-maker.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Life Update

The difficulty with a blog is that just when things happen that you want to remember and let people know about, simultaneously life becomes very busy and you have no time to do so.

So, here's a fairly lame, no photo update.  Sorry bout that.

The school year started with Ben working at Bethlehem and teaching at 2 homeschool co-ops.

In December, he talked to some friends who work in Bangkok and decided to lead a short-term trip there this coming August.

Then he felt compelled to do student teaching, so he wrapped up the homeschool co-ops and started student teaching in January.

Just before starting student teaching, the Lord prompted him (2 weeks past the application deadline) to apply for the Bethlehem Seminar MDiv program.

Then we were invited by some friends in SE Asia to consider coming to teach with them for 2 years, starting this fall.

We spent time in prayer, asked for others to pray, and waited to see what God would do next.

Ben got the call that he has been accepted to Bethlehem Seminary.

The next day, he was encouraged to consider applying for a ministry position (part-time) at Bethlehem (there are multiple other applicants).

After more prayer, Ben decided to confirm plans to attend Bethlehem Seminary.  He needs to take Greek this summer, the last two weeks of which overlap with the anticipated trip to Bangkok.

Ben applied for the ministry position (interview still pending).

What will happen next?  What does God have in store?

I have no idea, but it's a wonderful thing to rest in the hands of a sovereign Father who will make the next step clear, but maybe only the very next step.

Be sure to check back here for an update.  I'll keep you posted within 3-6 months of anything exciting happening, you can count on it.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Here are a couple fun videos of a favorite game: dump the links on the floor, followed by a tickle tackle by Dad.

(In both, you'll notice Victor is extremely attuned to the beep of the microwave --Done!--, and he finds it quite alarming if someone does not go to remove the hot food promptly.)

The reason Victor is in the kitchen is that the bread machine is on the "knead" cycle (his favorite).  His little hand motion is universal sign for bread machine / blender / washing machine.  How he loves to see, hear, and imitate that whir, whir, whirring.  (There are also a few "boo"s in there for peekaboo too.)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

14 Months Old!

Oh baby, what a big boy you are!

These days, you are a hoot. 

You have extremely expressive eyebrows.  When we give you something delicious to eat, something you really, really wanted, your eyes get big, and you start to chuckle, and your eyebrows go up and down.  Or, if you're puzzling over something, your brows drop, and you look over your spectacles, so to speak, and look somewhat disgruntled.

You are so perceptive.  All day you are imitating what you see and hear.  Last night, Daddy was playing with your toys while you were in the bathtub, putting the little rubber snail inside the red lid, and then dumping it into the water.  And sure enough, you started doing the same thing, giggling and giggling like it was the biggest joke.

You make noises like you hear, you do hand motions you see.  Whenever we start a nebulizer treatment, I shake your medicine vial in a circle ... and you swing your hand in a circle too, with a big grin, like it's our secret code.

You are just crazy about kitchen appliances.  Bread machine.  Microwave.  Hot water pot.  Blender.  Mixer.  Oh, the wonders of all these marvelous tools.  You grab my legs and plead for me to pick you up so you can look in the bread machine while it kneads the dough.  You are ABSOLUTELY cued in to the microwave, and whenever it beeps, you fling your hand up to point at it and say, "Hot, hot, hot," or "Done, done!"  It creates quite a bit of consternation if the aforementioned food is not promptly removed.  Even if you're in the middle of a fit, you'll snap your head up and point at the microwave when it beeps (kind of like a bird dog who sees a pheasant...).

Similarly, you take your laundry duties extremely seriously.  If I say, "Let's go get some clothes to put in the laundry," then you head for the bedroom to get the laundry basket.  When the buzzer goes off, you urgently point to the door, so we can get it and dump it (with a flourish) on the living room floor to fold.

You're a pretty good eater.  Still mostly mushy stuff, but you do enjoy a variety of finger foods.  One favorite is little bread cubes.  Here, you can get a bit fastidious.  If the morsel of bread should happen to be a bit more triangular in shape, rather than a cube, you generally dump it on the floor. 

 We have been the happy recipients of a video monitor, which opens before us a wonderful world of spying on you when you go down for a nap.  Sometimes you go right to sleep, and sometimes you spend 2 or more hours, sitting, standing, fingering the light switch above your crib, rattling the door knob, dumping your toys overboard, sitting for a quiet discussion with your duck and donkey, and so forth.

You march around everywhere now, which makes church quite a bit more exciting, since you can disappear in a flash when Momma turns around.  You've moved up to the Yellow nursery, and you're having a ball there.

All in all, we find your development and growth to be so fun, puzzling, exhausting, endearing, and entertaining.  And we pray that as you grow in stature, like Jesus you will also grow in wisdom, and in favor with God and man.

How we love you, Mr. Victor.  May Jesus bless and keep you!

Monday, March 4, 2013

What 14 Months of Mom-hood Has Taught Me

Victor's good friend from nursery is having a baby any day (as in, one of the nursery workers, in case that was confusing). 

It has me thinking back to 14 months ago, which is exactly the day that Ben and I sat in the doctor's office looking at our white-garbed doctor tell us that this baby needed to come now, so we should go home and get our things.  I had pretty much braced myself for being two-weeks overdue (and hadn't experienced anything remotely resembling a contraction), so even with the packed hospital bags, car seat installed, and polka-dot sheet on the crib mattress, I still cried from the shock of it.

So many things changing so fast.

An overnight wait, the IV drip of pitocin, and 17 hours of labor later, we were parents.

It was underwhelming in a sense.  I cried during every single birth video in our child-birth class, so I expected to be a puddle when they handed me that little cherry-faced bundle, but there were no tears.  Just a thankful, throbbing, amazed deep breath.  And then they swept him off to the NICU and the real adventure began.

It feels so long ago and not long ago, all at once.  I'm glad to hit the 14-month mark.  And looking back, here's what I'd say to someone about to embark on the journey of motherhood.

1. Just think, God calls Himself our Father.

I've grown up in a loving environment, married a wonderful man, and heard of the love of God for ages.  And yet, a new depth opened in my heart with the arrival of my child.  I ache when he hurts.  I delight to satisfy his desires.  I love to surprise him with good things.  I will not let him wreck his life with his foolish little inclinations.

And considering all these parenting impulses, I think I understand just a little bit better what the love of God means, why I so often don't understand, and how trusting Him even when I don't understand gives Him pleasure.

2. Don't fall prey to the comparison trap.

An alarming quantity of persuasive, compelling, and contradictory advice will come your way as a mother.  Friends of good intentions, not to mention books, blogs, doctors, strangers, and your own expectations can be almost paralyzing when it comes to ... well, anything.

Don't try to please everyone.  Actually, don't try to please anyone, but commit your way to the Lord, look for some wise people who have gone down the road before and some other moms who might be facing what you're facing now, and be a team with your husband.

3. Keep your perspective.

Your brain does odd things on a diet of steady sleep deprivation. Don't be alarmed by emotional winds that blow for no apparent reason.  And keep working to renew your mind with Bible truth.  Don't set rigid expectations, but find ways to keep God's promises and character fresh in your mind.  Sing hymns to your little one (soothing for the both of you).  And when irrational, overwhelming fear, stress, anxiety, or anger hit, give your cares to the one who cares for you.

I'm a different person these days.  I've got a different capacity and different life.  Wouldn't trade it for anything.  And can't wait to see what God has in store for you too.

Grammy and Grandad's Visit

My parents made a quick trip up last weekend, so we got to spend Saturday with them.

We had a fairly unspectacular day, by some measures.

Breakfast at Panera.
Home for a snooze.
Lunch of grilled cheese sandwiches.
An outing to Home Depot and Bed, Bath, and Beyond. 
Nap #2. 
Trip to Costco for gas and trail mix (and as many samples as possible). 
Dinner at Pizza Ranch (with some pretty fabulous Cactus Bread, if I do say so). 
Bathtime (Victor's) and Andy Griffith to wind down the evening.

And yet, it was delightful to have a day of hanging out with Grammy and Grandad, casual conversations, someone to sit next to Victor in the van and make him giggle during errands, and just enjoying family.  A very good gift.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Favorite Recipe: Ben's Vote

Last Friday we had some of the guys from the office over for dinner.  Ben requested "that chicken dish," which must be a manly kind of food (I think it's because it's kind of messy).

Category: Ben's favorite
Winner: Honey Baked Chicken II

"That chicken dish" is Honey Baked Chicken II, and it is a tasty, inexpensive, pretty simple meal to throw together for a crowd.  So here you go!

Honey Baked Chicken II

1 (3 pound) whole chicken, cut into pieces
1/2 c. butter, melted
1/2 c. honey
1/4 c. prepared mustard
1 t. salt
1 t. curry powder

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Place chicken pieces in a shallow baking pan, skin side up.  Combine the butter, honey, mustard, salt, and curry powder, and pour over chicken.  Bake at 350 for 1 1/4 hours (75 min), basting every 15 min with pan drippings, until the chicken is nicely browned and tender and the juices run clear.  Serve over white rice.

Serves 6.

(Recipe from