Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Letter to Victor

Dear Victor,

You are 6 years old! Well, by now you are almost 6 years and 2 months old, but that is simply a sign of these crazy times...

This year we celebrated your birthday with a belated party (with 22 people present), during which your two younger brothers began vomiting, an unexpected introduction into our extended journey through the stomach flu for our whole family.

But nevertheless! You are 6, and it is a wonderful, wonderful time.

You have grown and changed so much in the past year. We jumped into the wonderful world of kindergarten this year, with our school time together in the morning and your "workbook time" in the afternoon while I do my work too.

You have developed in so many different ways, from drawing pictures with careful detail to reading Bible stories out loud at bedtime to building an elaborate helicopter with Legos all on your own. You have your own "craft box," full of art supplies, and you demonstrate great care and attention to detail in many big art projects.

You love to listen to books on tape after you finish your workbooks in the afternoon, rotating among Mr. Popper's Penguins, Nate the Great, Mercy Watson, and any other options we may have checked out from the library at the time.

You have gained so much independence and ability around home! You are the designated silverware-putter-awayer, and you can switch out loads of laundry from the washer to the dryer, make snacks for your brothers, put your clothes away, dust, set the table, and on and on. I am consistently grateful for your good attitude as a helper and the way you do a good job with the projects you are given.

You loved having friends across the street just your age! Jaylin and Bryson were really fun buddies, and you got so excited when they would come to Wednesday Connection with us. We are sad that they moved to Crystal now, but you often remind me, "Maybe we can still visit them sometimes!" I pray that you will continue to reach out to others and learn how to be a good friend.

One of your favorite ways to play is by gathering a huge quantity of toys, play food, and books and organizing it all. Then you say it is your "store," and anybody can come and get things that they want. Sometimes items must be "purchased"... sometimes they are for free. Systems, organizing, and patterns are big for you.

You are a good big brother in so many ways. You help make sure Elliot is safe and happy and help to explain things to Josiah that you want him to understand. You can all play together very happily (sometimes). I love when you all sit on the first step, in a sweet little row, to eat your afternoon snack together. It is my regular prayer that you and your brothers will be lifelong friends, iron sharpening iron in Christ.

You do well sitting in our church service. You take some notes in the children's bulletin and color in the maze on front. Sometimes it is clear you are paying close attention to what is being preached. You also really enjoy your Sunday school and Wednesday night classes and will sing us the verse songs that you are learning.

You and Josiah have taken to racing back and forth in the living room, "practicing running faster than Daddy." And you love the pillow fights and "boofing games" and wrestling matches you all have together.

I am so glad that you are our son, my Victor. You demonstrate determination, kindness, serving, and enthusiasm. You have a good mind and increasing understanding. Our great desire and prayer for you is that as you grow you will find Jesus to be your one true treasure and joy.

May you be able to cry out along with Paul,
"O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law, but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!" (1 Corinthians 15:55-57)
I love you, sweet son.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Musings: The Past Few Weeks in Headlines

Sometimes life bowls along too quickly for me to keep up. Much less synthesize. Much less reflect meaningfully upon. Much less write meaningfully about.

In lieu of that, I will offer the headlines of stories I don't have time to write, and maybe someday I will look back, remember enough of the details to make sense, and flesh it out more.

When God Doesn't Stop You from Making Big Mistakes: Humility, Apology, Release, Repeat.
A Quiet Heart With Chaos in View
Why Is There a Hole in the Bottom of That Chip Bag?
Prequel: Piles of Boys in Worship (Without Daddy): Why We Should Always Go Potty First
Sequel: My Toddler Just Ran Into the Men's Restroom
The Wealth of Beauty Out My Back Window
Studies in Interruptions and Impatience
When You Grumble at Your Little Grumblers
The Joy of a Good Question: When the Helper Helps You Study God's Word
It's 8:30AM and I Have Used Up My Day's Worth of Energy
Eagerly Waiting for Christ's Return With Your Little Ones
Bless You, Tax Man

Friday, February 2, 2018

We Have an Announcement...

For those of you who have been on pins and needles, wondering whether the streak of blue will continue or take a surprising turn for pink ... the announcement.

AKA Take 6:

The outtakes:

Another one of these cute little cowboys?

Yep, we're tickled pink.