7 years old!
6 years old
5 years old
2 years old
9 months
7 months
6 months
5 months old
4 months old
3 months old
2 months old
1 month old
2 weeks old
Dear Victor,
Happy 7 years old! Our special celebration for your birthday this year included a fun family swim with the Katterson cousins and a big spaghetti and meatball dinner. It was a good time!
And now you are 7 years old—a first-grader, which is a staggering thing to realize!
We're continuing with homeschool work, and this year we started attending Beacon Homeschool Co-op, which has given you a chance to take science, physical education, and an etiquette class already. Even though it's a group of new people for you, you have enjoyed being with others and learning pretty cool things about volcanoes, scooter games, and the proper way to eat soup (among many other things)! At home, we're studying the Pilgrims' time in Amsterdam, learning our weekly Fighter Verses, delving into division, reading some adventure books, along with spelling, handwriting, and sundry other activities.
You blessed my heart greatly when you told me you've decided to read out of your Bible to yourself each morning. Right now you're in 1 Samuel, working your way right through. You are also a big help to read a Bible story to your brothers after lunch while I'm putting Calvin down for his snooze. There is no habit I would rather see established in your life than consistent time with God in the Word and prayer. May He flourish that time into a daily joy that shapes your mind and heart as you grow to know, love, and trust Jesus more.
You've received and been spending lots of fun time playing with Lego sets. Sometimes you experiment with your own creations, but more often you will carefully follow the guidebook to make the whimsical little designs laid out there.
I so appreciate your help most every day to put away the silverware. You are growing and picking up additional responsibilities, and I appreciate your faithfulness to finish a job that you start and your willingness to serve our family in many ways
You have many opportunities to fill your big brother role among the younger three boys, whether it is helping someone pour milk on their cereal, taking off Elliot's boots, reaching something from a high shelf, singing to Calvin to help him feel happy, or giving wise words, reminding brothers about the instructions Mom has given. We have to remind you sometimes that you aren't the parent, but you certainly do have an important role to influence and set a good example for your brothers!
This year you began in the children's choir, practicing Wednesday nights before Connection and singing before the congregation on a Sunday morning near Christmas. How I am praying that you will grow to love singing to God and joining in worship with the other believers! It's definitely fun having your buddy Ezekiel in choir with you as well.
Your afternoon rest time is normally spent listening to some Boxcar Children mysteries, while you work on your workbooks. You love mysteries and got your own detective kit for Christmas, which has offered lots of fun activities!
A highlight of the (every other) week is small group, where we get to enjoy a meal together and have a long, fun evening playing with some of your very best buddies. I'm praying that those friendships might be lifelong pointers to Jesus among you all!
You're getting so tall, you are learning so much, and you readily put together so many ideas. We love having you as a part of our family!
Right now I am studying John 10, including these precious verses:
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand. I and the Father are one. (John 10:27-30)
How I pray that you will truly hear and know the voice of Jesus. May you follow His leading—even if others choose to go another way. May you believe in Him and know the very greatest joy of eternal life, secure with your Good Shepherd, the very Son of God.
We love you so much, Mr. Victor!
Interview with Victor at 7 years old (1.7.19)
What is your favorite color? Red
What is your favorite toy? Legos
What is your favorite fruit? Pear
What is your favorite video to watch? Wild
What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Grilled
cheese or cheese and crackers
What is your favorite thing to wear? everything
What is your favorite game? Uno
What is your favorite snack? Pretzels and cheesy
What is your favorite animal? Lions and cats
What is your favorite song? My God Is So Big and
Jesus Loves Me
What is your favorite verse? Genesis 1:1 and
Joshua 1:9
What is your favorite book? Boxcar Children
Who is your best friend? The Lees
What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play
What is your favorite drink? Lemonade and root
What do you like to sleep with at night? Duck
What is your favorite thing to eat for
breakfast? Cinnamon rolls
What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Spaghetti
and meatballs
What do you want to be when you grow up? A bush
clipper and gardener and teacher
What was one of your favorite things that you
did this year? Christmas and my birthday
What is your favorite place to go? Grammy and
Grandad’s house