Dear family,
- Dropping off an Advent basket for friends and picking up peppermint Frosties on the way home
- Dad (and Elliot) getting the Christmas lights up on our house
- Eating supper in reverse (starting with ice cream sundaes, then the main dish, and lastly salad)
- Spontaneous visit to Como Zoo
- Farmer Christmas Celebration at the Oliver Kelley Farm (with a horse-drawn wagon, fresh cookies, and homemade ornaments)
- Family celebration with the other Kattersons, complete with breakfast burritos, cinnamon rolls, and a new game that turned out to be pretty fun
- Small group white elephant gift exchange (always an adventure ... able to deliver a few real treasures to our favorite friends. Precious Moments figurine from wedding and 5 lb bag of cassava flour
- Brunch with Mr. Steve and Miss Lulu and Mr. Ryan (including some real tasty sourdough donuts dunked in powdered sugar and gifting a pretty terrific squeaking pig)
- Christmas Eve service at church with beautiful singing, beautiful message on Isaiah 9:6, sweet connections with friends
- Christmas Day! Sharing gifts among our own family (and seeing what thoughtful and generous gift-givers the kids are becoming!)
- Hitting the road for Iowa and having a terrific Anderson clan Christmas with amazing brunch, gifts, and Legos galore
- Family photos and celebration for Grammy & Grandad's 50th wedding anniversary!!!
Because of the tender mercy of our God, whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on high to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. Luke 1:78-79
Sunrise is such a brilliant image of Christ breaking into the world. From the dark, strangling mire of sin, He has exploded in with life and hope we could never have imagined on our own. May the year ahead be one full of trusting Him, serving Him, and rejoicing in Him!
Love you, all my favorites!