Saturday, October 22, 2016

Half a Year!

6 months old!

5 months

 4 months

3 months

2 months

 1 month

 2 weeks old

Dear Elliot,

Happy half birthday! Whatever happened to the last month, anyway? These days are flying by, and you are growing and growing!

To summarize this stage of your life, I will share two anecdotes:

First, we were at a fall party last night, and a long-time friend came over to tell me hello. She shared about her most recent granddaughter, who is the "chubbiest and happiest" grandbaby so far. It was fun to catch up on her family! Just then, Daddy brought you over to us, all bundled up in your winter coat. She took one look at you and said, "I take it all back! My grandbaby is not chubby!" The magnitude of your roundness is quite breath-taking.

Second, this morning Daddy got you up and changed your diaper. He told me later, "I had no idea how much his hips had grown. I mean, wow!"

So, there you have it. You are officially a beautiful, big, squishy, cuddly, snuggle bug.

On a bleaker note, you are waking me up twice a night to eat. For a half hour. And wouldn't you know, I seem to have lost my ability to stiffen my resolve and let you work it out on your own, so twice a night it is... so far.

You're still loving your exersaucer, although it is showing signs of wear since it's gone through your two big brothers, a couple cousins, and now you are working on a "once-or-twice-a-week blowout" in it, which requires soaking, scrubbing, and washing.

You love the outdoors, and I love carrying you for our morning walks with the big brothers. You are my upper body workout, little man. :)

You still give the best snuggles, especially when I get you up from your snooze, and I love to hold you on my lap and bounce you. You'll toss out grins to most anybody who comes to talk to you, and you give the best chuckles when Daddy or I tickle your chin our dip you in the air.

You are a joy to us, son, and even on the rough, tired nights, I still just love to hold you close and kiss your soft head.

And as I read my Bible this morning, here is my prayer for you, as you continue to grow and learn and explore this wide, wonderful world:

May God shine in your heart, that you would see and receive the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God (2 Corinthians 4:4).

How we love you, Mr. Elliot!


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