Tuesday, November 22, 2016

7 Months Old!

7 months old!

6 months old

5 months

 4 months

3 months

2 months

 1 month

 2 weeks old

Dear Elliot,

Here we are, marking another month of your life. Time is flying by!

You are still our sweet Mr. Chunker Monker. Nothing is so sweet to me as sweeping you up after a good snooze and snuggling your sweet squishy self. You casually rest an arm on my shoulder and let me cover your face with kisses. I love it!

In the past month ...

- You have begun eating cereal, and you really picked it up like you were born for it. Green beans on the other hand ... not such a fan! You made the funniest faces and grimaced and half-gagged at every swallow.

- Since it's turned a bit cooler, I am now bundling you with socks, onesie, footed sleeper, AND sleep sack, and you are now sleeping almost through the night! We have a meal sometime in the 3:30-5am range, and then you sleep normally until 7 or 7:30am.

- You are such a chatty little guy. "Da, da, da, da, da" and "Bot bot" or "Ma mam mam" are some favorite expressions. You'll often throw your head to the side and lounge back in your exersaucer after talking to us for a while, just to take the world in.

- You have slowed down on the blowouts, but our last one was notable. We were at the park, on a blustery November day, and I realized that my "back-up outfit" was a 3-6 month sleeper, which I couldn't possibly cram your generous self into. So you were kicking around naked in the chilly wind, whilst your big brothers played on the playground (and one of them got pretty scared by another child and was screaming frantically) while I tried to scrounge around for another option. Turns out Josiah's 3T pants were not unreasonably large at all!

- You roll all over the place when I put you down, but so far you aren't starting to actually crawl yet. But I know my days are numbered.

- You love banging your arms, putting toys in your mouth, seeing everything that is going on around you, and eating. And you're a good swinger.

I was reflecting on the meaning of your name this week, "The LORD Is My God." Oh little son, we pray that this will be true for you. In a world that is constantly changing, there is no Rock like our God. He is so faithful, so generous, so kind. He never changes, never fails us, never forsakes us. He is the Good Shepherd, who will tenderly guide us step by step along our path. He knows our frailties, our failures, and our foibles. He created us, wrote all our days in His book, and will fulfill all His purposes for good in our life. And most of all, He gave His own Son, Jesus, to pay the price for our sins, so that all who trust in Him could be with Him forever. This is our God, sweet son!

May you belong to Him forever. We love you, Mr. E!


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