5 years old!
2 years old
10 months
9 months
7 months
6 months
5 months old
3 months old
2 months old
1 month old
2 weeks old
Dear Victor,
What a marvelous thing, to celebrate 5 years of life! I
am so thankful that God gave me my best and biggest job of being a mom when He
gave me you! And what a big boy you’re growing to be.
God has given you a very good mind, and this year we’ve
been doing a lot of learning with our school time at home. You have greatly
grown in your understanding of letters and their sounds and do a good job
sounding out many words. You have a very orderly, systematic way of thinking,
and you thrive with a regular routine and knowing what to expect.
You are really loving games right now. Zingo, Rush Hour, and
the Richard Scarry game are some of your favorites, and you can sit for
(probably) hours engrossed in playing them. You also still love trucks and
cars, Thomas the train, playing hide and seek, and doing workbooks.
You are definitely a member of the clean plate club, and
you will normally eat whatever is given you.
You have a good memory and frequently help me remember
things. You also have a good sense of direction (which you did not get from
me!) and are very observant about where we are going.
You’re normally very social and enjoy when we can meet up
with friends to play or get together with our cousins. You are also good
buddies with your younger brothers, and you have a very strong sense of how you
want to do certain things with them. We are working on using peacemaking words
and having flexibility to enjoy others playing a different way than we are.
You’ve started to enjoy singing and playing with our
musical instruments, and one of our favorite verses to review is James 4:7-8,
which we do with enthusiastic musical accompaniment. You are bright and inquisitive
and funny and determined.
I love having you in church with us. Often when we are
singing, I think of you and pray for you. When we sing about Jesus, “Victor,
over sin and death You triumphed,” I choke up. It has been our great prayer ever
since we chose your name that you would be hidden in Christ, the Great Victor
over sin and death, the One who has ransomed for Himself a people from every
tribe and tongue and people and nation.
I remember again the verses we chose for you when you
were born:
“Death is swallowed up in victory.”
“O death, where is your victory?
O death, where is your sting?”
The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the
law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ our
Lord. (1 Corinthians 15:54b-57)
May God give you grace to see your sin and need for
Jesus, turn to Him in faith, and receive His perfect covering of righteousness.
What a great gift!
We love you, Mr. Victor,
Interview with Victor at 5 years old (1.7.17)
What is your favorite color? Orange and blue
What is your favorite toy? Games
What is your favorite fruit? Apple
What is your favorite video to watch? Shaun the
What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? The
things that we got from church (??)
What is your favorite thing to wear? Shorts and
a t-shirt
What is your favorite game? I have lots of
favorite games
What is your favorite snack? Chips
What is your favorite animal? Skunk
What is your favorite song? Away in the Manger
What is your favorite verse? The one with the
stop sign (James 4:7-8)
What is your favorite book? High Five magazine
Who is your best friend? Jocelyn
What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play
hide and seek
What is your favorite drink? Juice
What do you like to sleep with at night? Ducky
What is your favorite thing to eat for
breakfast? Cereal
What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Pizza
What do you want to be when you grow up? An airport
What was one of your favorite things that you
did this year? Playing games
What is your favorite place to go? That’s a hard
one, because I like going lots of places, Sam and Jocelyn’s house
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