Wednesday, October 25, 2017

18 Months Old!

18 months old!

1 year old

11 months old

10 months old

9 months old

8 months old

7 months old

6 months old

5 months

 4 months

3 months

2 months

 1 month

 2 weeks old

Dear Elliot,

Baby boy! How did you become such a big man already!

The past 6 months have been full of learning and growing.

- You are now, of course, marching around with the best of them. You still sometimes get a little kamikaze in your walking and end up careening into something, but it's pretty great that you are motoring your own way around so much!

- You are up to a grand 7 teeth now, still all in the front (but I'm thinking a few of those back ones might be getting close). These teeth are working pretty good on crackers, pb&j, macaroni and cheese, pizza, apples, bananas (which you love), toast, scrambled eggs, cooked carrots, cheese, cookies, and so forth. Meat still poses a bit of a problem, but your love of yogurt balances that out.

- You are a talkative fellow, although it's not always the easiest to discern your words. You definitely say apple, banana, ball, book, bug, dog, woof, meow, I love you, Dad, Mom, Victor (dee-der), Josiah (eye-ah), thank you, truck, night-night, Bible, and bye-bye.

- You love to play catch and read books. You are fascinated by the animal books with little swatches of fur or fuzz to pet and can read them over and over endlessly. You love to sit on the bottom step next to me and read books. It's real precious.

- You love to wash your hands. You'll climb up on the stool in the bathroom and holler for help until someone comes in to assist you in that important exercise. You also rub your wet hands through your hair (where did you get that?).

- When things get quiet, I know I need to check on you. You basically know when you are doing something forbidden, so you sit very, very still...

- You are deeply opinionated and stubborn at times. We have had several mealtime battles-of-the-will over quite small matters, but you are growing to understand what it means to obey and I love to see those little evidences of grace!

- You are just a cheerful, busy, inquisitive, alert little guy, and you delight us all!

I have been in a Bible study on the Minor Prophets this fall, and so these words from Zechariah 13:9 seem especially significant:
And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God.

God is faithful to preserve His special chosen people, and there is nothing that can snatch one out of His hands. How we pray that you will belong to Him forever!

I love you , my sweet big boy!


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