Calvin at 2 weeks old
Victor at 2 weeks old
There they are ... 4 boys, 4 little newborn onesies, 4 precious little babies.
I can barely recollect what life was like in those early days of Sons 1, 2, and 3, a good reminder that these foggy newborn days are fleeting, regardless of what the middle-of-the-night feeding hours may speak to the contrary.
Calvin is following in his brother's footsteps in many regards--a peaceful baby in general, eating every 3 (sometimes 4) hours, mostly falling back asleep quite easily when done.
The big brothers are acclimating. As one might expect, #3 is having the rockiest adjustment (especially now that Grammy has returned home and the adult-child ratio is stretched a bit thinner). But all are loving little brother, enjoying the summer freedom from schedule, and grateful for each day's mercies.
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