Sunday, March 31, 2019

5 Years Old!

5 years old!

(4 year blue chair picture ???)

3 years old

2 1/2 years old

2 years old

18 months old

1 year old

11 months old

10 months old

9 months old

 8 months old

7 months old

6 months old

5 months old

4 months old

3 months old

2 months old

1 month old

2 weeks old

Dear Josiah,

You are 5 years old! Just doesn’t seem possible that you’re such a big boy, with such long legs and big muscles, but there you have it!

You have a great sense of humor. I love how you laugh gleefully at jokes and come up with your own funny versions. You can be quite a teaser, and you have a beautiful, joyful smile.

I love to see your tender, compassionate heart, especially with your baby brother. If Calvin is fussy or bored, you are so patient and kind to bring him toys, smile or make faces at him, and generally anything that will cheer him up. You’re very good at it too!

You are a sweet and thoughtful friend to others as well. Our first year at our homeschool co-op has brought more than one comment about your kind heart among the other children in your class. You are sometimes shy in unfamiliar settings, but I am so happy to see you expressing care and thoughtfulness toward others. God has answered my prayers to bring you boys some very special friends, and I pray that you’ll have many years growing as “iron sharpening iron” together with them.

You love to run and play and imagine. You’re a wonderful super hero! And you are always sure to check with me, “Do you need any saving?” I feel so secure with you around!

Favorite quote of the year: "It's okay, Mom, you don't have to clean up when there's big kids like us around. And strong ones." Love you for that, my son!

You are learning and growing in school as well. This year we’ve been doing “workbook” time together, learning to read. You are doing so great! I am proud of you for persevering and using that good mind that God gave you.

I love to see the thoughtfulness that you give to our Bible stories and memory verses. You are tender to correction and quick to apologize and make things right with your brothers. You have a merciful and gentle spirit that encourage me as they reflect the mercy of God. I pray that you continue to grow in understanding the truth of God’s Word, seeking the know and walk close to Jesus, and finding your greatest hope in Him.  

My special verse for you is this:

For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth, that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.—2 Chronicles 16:9a

I have been studying and reflecting on the death of Jesus lately, and one of the deep implications is that because Jesus willingly gave Himself to bear the wrath of God in our place, we have a way to come to God, to find favor and forgiveness with Him, and to belong to Him always. That is our greatest prayer and desire for you. May you have a heart that is completely His and follow joyfully in the path He puts before you.

You are a blessing and joy to us, and we love you to pieces!

Josiah (3.31.19) 5 years old

1.      What is your favorite color? green
2.      What is your favorite toy? Bouncy the Bunny
3.      What is your favorite fruit? apple
4.      What is your favorite video to watch? Wild Kratts
5.      What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Hot dogs
6.      What is your favorite thing to wear? pajamas
7.      What is your favorite game? tag
8.      What is your favorite snack? crackers
9.      What is your favorite animal? cheetah
10.   What is your favorite song? God Is So Good
11.   What is your favorite verse? Psalm 23
12.   What is your favorite book? Clifford
13.   Who is your best friend? Benaiah
14.   What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play tag
15.   What is your favorite drink? Apple juice
16.   What do you like to sleep with at night? My stuffies (bear and bunny)
17.   What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Cinnamon rolls
18.   What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Pizza
19.   What do you want to be when you grow up? An artist or detective
20.   What was one of your favorite things that you did this year? Going to Grammy and Grandad’s house
21.   Where is your favorite place to go? To Iowa

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