10 months
9 months
Dear Victor,
Happy birthday, teenager! Having already surpassed me in height (and Dad in shoe size), there is no question that you are growing up. And we are so pleased and thankful to see the ways that God is shaping you to be a delightful young man.
You've continued developing skills through your piano lessons, and Dad regularly comments on how enjoyable it is to hear you play.
School has taken a big jump up in intensity this year, but you are faithfully digging away, and even though you still really love sleeping in on weekends, you also love chasing down stories, investigating deeper details, and reading a wide variety of genres. When we asked yesterday something you'd like to do in the year ahead, you said maybe learn a language!
When you have free time, especially with buddies, you are up for games of all kinds. Football, basketball, playing catch (now you have a baseball glove :) ), board games, card games, mind games... You, Dad, and Josiah got up at 6am on New Year's Day to start a 4.5-hour game of Risk!
You are also generous with your spare time to love on your little sister and brothers. You are very patient and gentle with Jemima, and you've begun doing some babysitting for the crew on occasion so Dad and I can go out. You are responsible, conscientious, and considerate. We are very thankful for your dependable character.
We are also so thankful for your good friends, and as you grow we are also glad for opportunities to see you expressing your convictions. Sometimes it means challenging some remarks that were not made thoughtfully or wanting to look at the Bible with a friend. Strength of heart, even when it is unpopular, is something we pray will continue to grow as you gain more and more independence.
At the same time, I am grateful for your openness to input. When things go wonky or decisions lack wisdom, you are receptive and humble to accept correction.
You are also taking on more responsibility in various areas. You and a buddy are starting to lead the kids in our small group with some small Bible lessons and other planned activities. It is so cool to see you guys invest your creativity and thoughtfulness in that.
You are a hard worker--not just with school but also with the little Katterson Kitchen business we have. You also show industry to make snacks for school or to share at youth group. You love tackling a project, or exploring creative ideas with cousins or friends. (This includes a recent endeavor to make a 5-star stuffed crust double-decker pizza and "Reese's Peanut Butter Oreos.")
I could go on, but I'll close with one last attribute that I appreciate about you. You are quick to express thanks, gracious when things don't work out quite as hoped, and a good encourager of others. Many times I have been blessed when you ask what's for supper and then respond, "YES!!!"
As you grow, gain responsibility, and explore new horizons, I pray that the Lord will always keep you anchored to the foundation. As our Comp 2 class has been memorizing together, 2 Timothy 2 charges:
You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.
There is no greater legacy to receive or to pass on than the gift of the gospel, granted to us in Christ, and guaranteed to endure until the end, when Christ is revealed in all His glory. May you continue to grow in that grace and stand on that Word.
I love you!
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