Sunday, November 11, 2012


Dear Victor,

Yesterday was a sweet day.

You are always wailing by the time I get you in the morning (since you must wait until 6am), and I must confess to the immediate gratification of those two outstretched arms and big, sad eyes reaching for me.  We have a little nibble before facing the day.  I love how you cuddle in my arms to nurse, stopping to look up at me and grin every now and then, so glad now that you're not alone in the dark anymore.

Then we turn off the fan and tip-toe out to find Daddy.  You get a big smile on your face, peering to see around the corner to spot him.  Yesterday he had gone back to burrow under a pile of blankets in bed, so we all snuggled in for a while, Daddy and me chatting while you explored the buttons on his shirt and traced the zipper on my sweatshirt with one chubby little forefinger.

You pulled out some blocks while I stirred up rice cereal with chicken and apples (yum) for breakfast.  I fed you, and Daddy and I talked about some thoughts from our Bible time.

During your first nap, I finally got a couple Christmas presents wrapped (they have been staring at me from the big blue chair for over a week) and planned for a few more.

It was a chilly, wet morning, but Dad still took you out for a run, and I got dinner in the crockpot and a headstart on five more to wait in the freezer.  You mostly only eat cereal, baby food, Cheerios, and milk right now, but I imagine the day you'll start eating us out of house and home is not too far away.

You took such a long second nap that I even got to snuggle in with Daddy for a little snooze myself!  And when we all got up, the sun was out, the day had grown warm, and we headed over to Lebanon Hills to walk the trail around the lake.

I love carrying you on my back, and you like it too, for a while.  When you started to get restless, Daddy took you out and carried you in his big arms.  You loved holding a dry leaf, turning it left and right to look at all the sides. 

How you shouted with glee when I would get ahead, and then Daddy would run up to hand you off to me, and I'd swing you in a big circle.  Then we'd walk a little further and do it again, like baby leapfrog.

We all ate dinner (and Dad did an admirable job dealing with your post-dinner blowout, though I think he was a bit shocked that it was possible to get poop that far up your back), and then you splashed in the bath while we talked and laughed at your antics.

I fed you before bed, and then you wrapped your arms around my neck and snuggled your head on my shoulder, and I swayed and kissed your silky head and thanked God for you.

God has been very rich in mercy toward us, little button.  How we thank Him for undeserved grace.

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