Thursday, November 15, 2012

Unexpected Outing

This afternoon when Victor got up from his nap (after changing the poopy diaper), I was taking a video of him being precious, and Ben got home from teaching science.

"It smells like gas in here."

"Oh, should I take Victor outside?"

"Yes, I think you'd better."

Happily, it was a sunny, mild November day (not raining, not below zero, not in the middle of V's nap...).

And after calling 9-1-1, speaking with the first police officer, admiring 3 impressive fire trucks (and a jeep) and the efficient and expeditious assistance of the firefighters, from across the street, answering inquiries from the neighbors driving by, and wishing I had grabbed Victor's coat on the way out, we learned that a burner had been on (probably bumped it when I cleaned the stovetop this morning).

So, we're extra thankful tonight for a lovely normal day.  And will be more careful with the burner knobs.

(And the video I was taking before the aforementioned adventure...)

He was cracking me up with the tag on his shirt.  (And looking mighty cute in his little overalls.)

Why isn't this funny piece of paper falling off when I shake it?

And then we moved into a spontaneous game of peekaboo... which is maybe the first time he ever did it all himself. 

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