Sunday, October 27, 2013

Pumpkin Patch with Kattersons

After a rough start to the day (because I bit off Ben's head over nothing), we went on to have a great time at the pumpkin patch with the Kattersons!

I love this line-up!  Reminds me of the Easter Sunday line-up when I was growing up...

Prayer time before our cinnamon roll treat

Fun in the corn pit

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Trip to Ikea

Friday night we had a little family outing to Ikea.  Victor tested out all the toys, and we had a good time browsing the store.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Anniversary Getaway

Victor took this picture of us before we dropped him off (really we found that fairly impressive). He loves our new iPhones (and will probably be teaching us how to use them in about 2 weeks).

He was really excited to play with boys and trucks, so he did great when we left.

Ben and I headed north, stopping for lunch at Arby's (in nostalgia from our wedding evening dinner).  We also got an oil change.  When you're in seminary, working, and/or pregnant (or the whole combination thereof), that just makes sense on an anniversary getaway...

We stopped in Cambridge for a look around a bookstore (and a new baby name book), a pleasant but rainy walk, and dinner at the Peoples' Cafe.

The Peoples' Cafe was a terrific stop... huge, fluffy pancakes plus meat and eggs for Ben, and a nice cheeseburger and fries with coleslaw for me.  Ben asked our waitress if there was anything we could pray about for her (she said there was a big swim meet coming up), and the two young ladies at the table behind us overheard and said they were praying with us and that was the neatest idea for witnessing and they planned to start doing that too.

It was dark by the time we got to our little home-away-from-home, but what a beautiful place it was!  

We spent most of the next two days reading, time praying and planning, stoking the fireplace, going for a walk, eating, and sleeping. We read some together, and Ben and I both dug into a just-for-fun book too (which was the first time in a really long time for that!).

Saturday we had a little Face Time with Victor.  He kept coming up and giving kisses for Mommy and Daddy (which almost made Mom cry).  But he did great.

This morning, we got our first little taste of the coming winter wonderland.

We headed off in the snow, but it was just gray and wet by the time we got back home.

Honestly, we loved our getaway, and it was such a refreshing and encouraging time in the middle of a pretty non-stop busy season.  Important for us, I think.

But one of the sweetest things was enjoying being home again as a family.

(Our welcome home included my opening the shoe closet and finding a mouse scurrying around inside... followed by various maneuvers eventually resulting in a farewell to aforementioned rodent.  But we're still hearing some noises in the ceiling, so that story may not yet be finished.)

Friday, October 18, 2013

5 Years with You, 50 Reasons They've Been Sweet

Dear Ben,

Here we are, 5 years in.  Happy anniversary!

You have been a great gift to me, and here are the full 50 reasons (among others) that I love you.

1.    You’re easy to be with.  There’s no one else in the world I find more restful and refreshing to be with than you.  Actually, I can’t really relax without you.

2.    You want to spur other men on toward Christ.  I love your earnestness in encouraging and exhorting your brothers… family brothers, seminary brothers, staff brothers, spiritual brothers. 

3.    You like my cooking. 

4.    You pray with our son and for our little unborn one.

5.    You sing with gusto and keep a hymnal in the car so we can sing on the road.

6.    You make it easy and enjoyable to show hospitality to others.  You engage so easily with others, you love to welcome newcomers, you carry a conversation, and you are happy to pitch in with dishes.

7.    You accommodate me so often, like watching movies and eating foods I like.

8.    You want to lean forward in memorizing Scripture.  It’s a great encouragement to me.

9.    You have already grown so much as a father… in tenderness, wisdom, discipline, encouragement, and thoughtfulness.  I look forward to parenting together through all the different seasons ahead.

10.    You are enthusiastic about everything.  You engage life with gusto.  You have a rare capacity for enjoyment of almost anything.

11.    You encourage me to use my gifts and find ways to stay active in ministry—even as seasons of life and capacity change.

12.    You share biblical insights with me, from your Bible reading, your Greek studies, your young adult work, or your classes.

13.    You are open to input.  We’ve had plenty of conflict, disagreements,  and misunderstandings.  I love your willingness to hear and try to understand, your humility and readiness to repent, and your growth in grace.  I know you’ll listen to me, and even when I’m the one in the wrong, you bear with me in great gentleness.

14.    You don’t care too much about fashion and a perfect appearance (which I really appreciate, being a pretty low-maintenance woman).  But you value any efforts to look special, on those occasions when I do.

15.     You like reading books with me and do great accents.  P.G. Wodehouse, Paul Tripp, Patrick McManus, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and so on have given us lots of good times together.

16.    You are serious about having a pure heart and pure mind for me. 

17.    I love watching you play with blocks on the floor with Victor.  You line up all the blocks in a row, and he walks around in deep contemplation, messing up your design and saying, “Let’s see here…” and “Know what?” 

18.    You are very, very generous.  You enjoy giving gifts, and you have a huge imagination about ways to bless others. 

19.    You’re always willing to try new things. 

20.    You’ve looked for ways to connect with my family (and, the awkward sledding excursion aside, you’ve done great!).

21.    You respect authority.  I really appreciate the way you honor and show high regard for those set over you.

22.    You look forward to growing old together, the white hairs, the rocking chairs, the hearing aids.  We laugh about it, because we’re already acting like old people quite a bit (deaf, early to bed, forgetful, pretty boring).  I’m glad I don’t have to be afraid of what you’ll do when I’m wrinkly and gray.

23.    You help around home a LOT.  Dishes, laundry, cleaning, taking garbage out… And you always say the really dirty stuff (like cleaning the toilet) is your job, not mine.

24.    You give the absolute best back massages and neck rubs.  For a lady who carries her stress in her shoulders, this is an amazing gift.

25.    You have really bought into living a wartime lifestyle.  (Of course, full-time seminary and part-time work limits options somewhat too, but it doesn’t feel like that made a dramatic difference in how we live.)  At the same time, you aren’t stingy.  You say no to a lot of things so that you can say yes to other things that matter more.  I love that.

26.    You are a great welcomer of newcomers.  I love your alertness to people who might be new or hanging out on the fringes.

27.    You draw fun pictures.  I still have all kinds of notes from before we were married; almost all of them from you have some fun drawing or design.  (And almost all of mine are bullet points.)

28.    You are careful about your priorities.  You’ve got a really full plate right now, and I see you being really careful about where you spend your discretionary time (whatever that is…).  You are very intentional about giving me and Victor good quality time.

29.    You really desire unbelievers to come to Christ.  And you’re taking opportunities to grow in evangelism and look for open doors to reach out to people who come across your path.

30.    You cannot keep a secret (from me anyway).  It kills you. 

31.    You have a great appreciation for nature and see the handiwork of God.  (I tend to keep my eyes on the sidewalk in front of me.)

32.    You aren’t afraid of looking silly. 

33.    You seek to honor your mother and father.

34.    You get excited with me about finding a good deal.

35.    You are equally glad to spend a date night quietly at home or out doing something fun.  You like one-on-one time, and you like get togethers with friends and family.  But whatever the case, it’s your goal to have a date night every week, even in this crazy season, and that means a ton.

36.    You thank me for feeding you vegetables.

37.    You are eager to lend a hand when someone needs help.

38.    You have given such a great gift in having ongoing pray and plan times, since even before we were married.  We don’t do it as often as we want to… but every time we do, I am freshly thankful for the remarkable grace that comes through that simple time of sharing and prayer.

39.    You’re very handsome. 

40.    You still hold my hand.

41.    Even though it’s gotten trickier, you still take initiative to get us a weekend away, maybe once a year, give or take.  This is a great gift!  Yay for an anniversary getaway this weekend!

42.    You get Victor up each morning so I can have a quiet time.

43.    You picked up running so that we could exercise together, even though our running styles vary somewhat dramatically.  And you go my pace.  (Well, you used to.  I don’t have a pace right now…)

44.    During our family gatherings, you nearly always cheerfully play with and entertain the children.  They love it.  The rest of the parents love it.   I know you love it, but sometimes it is also a willing sacrifice for the sake of others who are in the middle of a conversation. 

45.    You kill bugs, dispose of moldy peas, and generally do lots of dirty work around here.

46.    You still say that you like our wedding best.   You still turn up the volume when our processional comes on.  You still come back to those sweet words in 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24…

47.    You don’t live near the compost pile.  You are quick to move past the ugly parts of our relationship and look for grace.

48.     You can fix so many things.  You’re very handy.  (This is not a real strong point in my side of the family…)

49.    You tell me you’re on my team.

50.    You repent of sin and look for God’s grace to grow and change.  You are the man I married, yet in so many ways you reflect Christ to me more fully now.  You encourage me to be a better reflection of Christ too.

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely, and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24).

I love you.  Thank you for these 5 years.  The best is yet to come.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Feeling Affirmed

Victor, after getting up on the glider by himself: "Good job!"
Victor, after putting a block back into its bag: "Thank you!"
Victor, in his crib for naptime: "I love you, Victor!"

Day 9: 5YA50TITF

Dear Ben,

Continued from yesterday...

41. Even though it’s gotten trickier, you still take initiative to get us a weekend away, maybe once a year, give or take. This is a great gift! Yay for an anniversary getaway starting tomorrow!

42. You get Victor up each morning so I can have a quiet time.

43. You picked up running so that we could exercise together, even though our running styles vary somewhat dramatically. And you go my pace. (Well, you used to. I don’t have a pace right now…)

44. During our family gatherings, you nearly always cheerfully play with and entertain the children. They love it. The rest of the parents love it. I know you love it, but sometimes it is also a willing sacrifice for the sake of others who are in the middle of a conversation.

45. You kill bugs, dispose of moldy peas, and generally do lots of dirty work around here.

To be continued...

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Day 8: 5YA50TITF

Dear Ben,

Continued from yesterday...

36. You thank me for feeding you vegetables.

37. You are eager to lend a hand when someone needs help.

38. You have given such a great gift in having ongoing pray and plan times, since even before we were married. We don’t do it as often as we want to… but every time we do, I am freshly thankful for the remarkable grace that comes through that simple time of sharing and prayer.

39. You’re very handsome.

40. You still hold my hand.

To be continued...

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Day 7: 5YA50TITF

Dear Ben,

Continued from yesterday...

31. You have a great appreciation for nature and see the handiwork of God. (I tend to keep my eyes on the sidewalk in front of me.)

32. You aren’t afraid of looking silly.

33. You seek to honor your mother and father.

34. You get excited with me about finding a good deal.

35. You are equally glad to spend a date night quietly at home or out doing something fun. You like one-on-one time, and you like get togethers with friends and family. But whatever the case, it’s your goal to have a date night every week, even in this crazy season, and that means a ton.

To be continued...

Monday, October 14, 2013

Day 6: 5YA50TITF

Dear Ben,

Continued from yesterday...

26. You are a great welcomer of newcomers. I love your alertness to people who might be new or hanging out on the fringes.

27. You draw fun pictures. I still have all kinds of notes from before we were married; almost all of them from you have some fun drawing or design. (And almost all of mine are bullet points.)

28. You are careful about your priorities. You’ve got a really full plate right now, and I see you being really careful about where you spend your discretionary time (whatever that is…). You are very intentional about giving me and Victor good quality time.

29. You really desire unbelievers to come to Christ. And you’re taking opportunities to grow in evangelism and look for open doors to reach out to people who come across your path.

30. You cannot keep a secret (from me anyway). It kills you.

To be continued...

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Day 5: 5YA50TITF

Dear Ben,

Continued from yesterday...

21. You respect authority. I really appreciate the way you honor and show high regard for those set over you.

22. You look forward to growing old together, the white hairs, the rocking chairs, the hearing aids. We laugh about it, because we’re already acting like old people quite a bit (deaf, early to bed, forgetful, pretty boring). I’m glad I don’t have to be afraid of what you’ll do when I’m wrinkly and gray.

23. You help around home a LOT. Dishes, laundry, cleaning, taking garbage out… And you always say the really dirty stuff (like cleaning the toilet) is your job, not mine.

24. You give the absolute best back massages and neck rubs. For a lady who carries her stress in her shoulders, this is an amazing gift.

25. You have really bought into living a wartime lifestyle. (Of course, full-time seminary and part-time work limits options somewhat too, but it doesn’t feel like that made a dramatic difference in how we live.) At the same time, you aren’t stingy. You say no to a lot of things so that you can say yes to other things that matter more. I love that.

To be continued...

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Day 4: 5 Years and 50 Things I'm Thankful For

Dear Ben,

Continued from yesterday

16. You are serious about having a pure heart and pure mind for me.

17. I love watching you play with blocks on the floor with Victor. You line up all the blocks in a row, and he walks around in deep contemplation, messing up your design and saying, “Let’s see here…” and “Know what?”

18. You are very, very generous. You enjoy giving gifts, and you have a huge imagination about ways to bless others.

19. You’re always willing to try new things.

20. You’ve looked for ways to connect with my family (and, the awkward sledding excursion aside, you’ve done great!).

To be continued...

Friday, October 11, 2013

Day 3: 5 Years and 50 Things I'm Thankful For

 Dear Ben,

Continued from yesterday...

11.    You encourage me to use my gifts and find ways to stay active in ministry—even as seasons of life and capacity change.

12.    You share biblical insights with me, from your Bible reading, your Greek studies, your young adult work, or your classes.

13.    You are open to input.  We’ve had plenty of conflict, disagreements,  and misunderstandings.  I love your willingness to hear and try to understand, your humility and readiness to repent, and your growth in grace.  I know you’ll listen to me, and even when I’m the one in the wrong, you bear with me in great gentleness.

14.    You don’t care too much about fashion and a perfect appearance (which I really appreciate, being a pretty low-maintenance woman).  But you value any efforts to look special, on those occasions when I do.

15.     You like reading books with me and do great accents.  P.G. Wodehouse, Paul Tripp, Patrick McManus, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and so on have given us lots of good times together.

To be continued...

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day 2: 5 Years and 50 Things I'm Thankful For

Dear Ben,

Continued from yesterday...

6.    You make it easy and enjoyable to show hospitality to others.  You engage so easily with others, you love to welcome newcomers, you carry a conversation, and you are happy to pitch in with dishes.

7.    You accommodate me so often, like watching movies and eating foods I like.

8.    You want to lean forward in memorizing Scripture.  It’s a great encouragement to me.

9.    You have already grown so much as a father… in tenderness, wisdom, discipline, encouragement, and thoughtfulness.  I look forward to parenting together through all the different seasons ahead.

10.    You are enthusiastic about everything.  You engage life with gusto.  You have a rare capacity for enjoyment of almost anything.

To be continued...

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

5 Years and 50 Things I'm Thankful For

Dear Ben,

Five years ago, life was nuts, trying to pull together the last details of our wedding and get everything lined up to be away from work for 10 days.  We were excited, we were tired, we had no idea all the grace God had in store for us.

I'm so glad to be five years down the road with you.  And here are some of the many reasons why I love you and I'm thankful to be your wife (5 per day for the next 10 days til our anniversary).

Day 1:

1.    You’re easy to be with.  There’s no one else in the world I find more restful and refreshing to be with than you.  Actually, I can’t really relax without you.

2.    You want to spur other men on toward Christ.  I love your earnestness in encouraging and exhorting your brothers… family brothers, seminary brothers, staff brothers, spiritual brothers. 

3.    You like my cooking. And you're ridiculous in your compliments.

4.    You pray with our son and for our little unborn one.  Already, I can see Victor learning about prayer as a result of your example.

5.    You sing with gusto and keep a hymnal in the car so we can sing on the road.

To be continued...

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Pregnant Thoughts

This Round 2 of pregnancy is harder and easier than the first time.

Harder because I have mommy duty for a 20-month-old, and Victor has no concept of sick days.

Easier because I don't have to work 40 hours a week.

Harder because I know (in some measure) how bad it could get.

Easier because I've only puked twice and I pleaded my cause for Zofran 4 days after I found out I was pregnant.

Harder because Ben is diving into seminary and a new ministry job and doesn't have a lot of margin right now.

Easier because I am already feeling improvement, earlier than last time.

And there are some things that are the same.

An underlying sense of helplessness, that I can't finish this journey without God's sustaining grace for the next 5 minutes. 

Gripping the promise, My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness

A steady battle to keep grumbling and grumpiness at bay. 

So, so, so much to thank God for... not only in the day's provision of food and strength and hope, but also in this gift that comes with so much travail.

Fun Visit with Grammy and Grandad

We got to a have a quick little visit with Grammy and Grandad this weekend.  Victor didn't have  a good nap on Friday, so he was a little over-tired, but what a lovely time we still had!

The little toy cups from Grammy were a bit hit.

Victor and Grandad and Grammy read some of his favorite books.

The cowboy boots seemed fitting for supper at Pizza Ranch.

This morning we had a great breakfast of eggs, bacon, and sausage, 
and treats from Great Harvest Bread Company.  Then more fun playing.

(Did I mention they washed and dried all the dishes from my counter and sink?)

Victor took a little rest, and we got ready for our morning outing.

Victor and Grandad both had their hats on for the occasion.

Ben wanted to check out an apple orchard just south of us that he'd heard about.  
Even though it was a cloudy, drizzly day before and after we went, 
for the whole time we were there, it was sunshiny and just beautiful!

Victor was fascinated by some animals they had in a little display.

He was also a real big fan of the tractors.

We tried some new varieties of apple, which were very tasty.

We climbed way to the top of the pile of hay.

And Grammy actually let him try out one of the tractors!

After a nice lunch, it was naptime, and Grammy and Grandad headed on their way home.  A quick visit, but we loved seeing them!