Friday, July 1, 2011

Pregnant with Lessons

I'm at 13 weeks today, and this morning I got to hear that little heart thumpety-thumping through my belly, 160 beats per minute.

As it's been said, motherhood is a mission field, and though I've only seen this little one as a black and white picture on a screen, already he is teaching me many lessons.

The Fall: Sin is horrendous. It scars the world and twists what was meant to be good. After the fifth time in a day, vomiting into the toilet, my body shouted what my heart is often numb to... sin is horrible, and this broken world needs redemption.

Sovereign Grace: "You must be born again," Jesus said. Well, I know for sure that this little baby who is growing inside isn't in charge of the intricate, complicated process of development he's undergoing now, and (hate to say it) he won't be the primary actor in the process of birth either. He's helpless. Totally dependent. And God creates life and new life as a gift of sovereign grace.

1 comment:

  1. Great lessons.
    Remember, I want to see belly pictures!

