Saturday, April 26, 2014

This Week

As of Thursday (3 1/2 weeks old), Josiah is 10 lb 10 oz.  Good work, little man.

Victor to Mom, waving his finger for emphasis: "You're a good girl."

Tuesday's trip to the office to print off membership certificates for the weekend:
- Finish lunch.
- Put shoes on Victor.
- Put Josiah in carseat.
- Wipe off Victor's hands, face, and tray.
- Put jacket on Victor.
- Put laptop in bag.
- Get diapers for Victor and Josiah for diaper bag.
- Go upstairs with Victor.
- Put Victor in the car.
- Put phone, purse, and diaper bag in the car.
- Put blanket over Josiah.
- Put Josiah in the car.
- Drive to the office (admiring buses, tunnels, tanker trucks, and answering, "Do you know what that is?" a thousand times for Victor :) )
- See Daddy's car and call him to see if he's at the office (he was actually Downtown for a meeting).
- Cancel the call to Daddy... because you realize that you. forgot. the. laptop. at. home.
- Turn around and drive home (admiring buses, tunnels, tanker trucks, and answering, "Do you know what that is?" a thousand times).
- Realize that it is now too late to go back to the office.
- Put kids down for naps.
- Sigh.

Mother of two.  Brain for half.

Cute Boys
Victor to Mom, pointing at Josiah: "I like Baby Josiah.  He's a cute boy."

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