Saturday, November 15, 2014

On Snow: A Letter to My Boys

Dear Victor and Josiah,

I had to stay  home from cousin Caleb's 1st birthday party today because I'm a little sick. I missed you and I missed sharing that celebration (albeit the birthday boy had such a good snooze that he slept through your whole time there!).

But now that you're home again, having your own snoozes, I just wanted to say that God has been so good to us. It snowed this week--a little early (in my book), but you didn't mind! I am convicted by your enthusiasm for shoveling, Victor, and how happily you receive pretty much anything that comes to you, Josiah.

Contentment is a lesson, so says Paul, and it's important for your whole life. More than circumstances, your attitude will shape the measure of your joy. And Paul said the secret to contentment is Jesus.

Do we see the snow as a gift from God, part of His good plan for our day? Do we look for ways to enjoy it, marvel at its beauty, industriously tackle the work it brings, and delight in its fun? Or do we just groan in bed, thinking about the mess, the traffic, the cold, the piles of outerwear required to do anything, and the onslaught of flu season? I confess to the temptation of the latter.

Oh my sons, I pray that we will be a home that sees God behind every snowflake and water drop and that we will receive with happy, open hands what He sees good to give us.

I love you,

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