Friday, January 30, 2015

10 Months!

10 months old! 
(Just prior to falling off the chair... though I did catch him with one awkward hand)

9 months old

 8 months old

7 months old

6 months old

5 months old

4 months old

3 months old

2 months old

1 month old

2 weeks old

Dear Josiah,

This has been a big month of change for you.

- Pretty much as soon as we got home from celebrating Christmas, you decided to put your crawl in gear. And now you motor around like crazy! I love watching you crawl, especially when you decide you're going to come over and visit me.

- Three more teeth have popped through on top. Actually, you skipped the middle two in favor of going "vampire-style" with the outer teeth, but now one of the middle ones has come through as well, and I think the other one is super close. (All that work growing teeth has also given you some grumpy nights, but I think and hope we're on the home stretch for a little while anyway.)

- You can really put away Cheerios, and you down big bowls of baby food. This also explains why all your clothes are too small. (But I haven't found the 18-month clothes bin yet to crack out the next size up...)

- You kinda sorta sleep through the night now! We are absolutely thrilled to have a room just for you, and we've definitely cut out the 10pm feeding. But the early morning feeding kinda hangs around 4 or 5am, probably waiting for me to get a little more purposeful in stretching it til 6am. (That's basically wake-up time for the household these days.) 

- Now that you are an independent mover, I remember all the hazards that this season holds. Our new apartment really isn't baby-proof yet, and you are very good at discovering where those weak points are. This week has been particularly accident-prone, so I'm thankful God is watching over you.

- You pull yourself up to standing all the time. I think you might be turning into a walker before too long...

- Your favorite things to play with are small, chokable Legos, electrical cords, unstable shelves, and most other things that are off-limits. You keep me busy!

- You are starting to really enjoy reading books. Especially for the touch and feel baby animals book, you sit very still and quiet the whole way through.

These days are flying by, and you are growing and changing so fast. It's amazing to watch you explore and discover, and I pray that all you learn will point you to the great Creator and Keeper of all things. May He give you a love for Jesus from your very earliest understanding of Him!

With love and prayers,


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