Thursday, March 5, 2015

Eleven Months Old!

11 months old!

10 months old

9 months old

 8 months old

7 months old

6 months old

5 months old

4 months old

3 months old

2 months old

1 month old

2 weeks old

Dear Josiah,

Dear Josiah,

It is hard being the second-born, no? You have been 11 months for almost a week now, and (not for lack of desire) I am just now getting this update written. Don't worry, small one. Daddy and I were both third-borns, so we know what it's like. And in the end, it's not so bad. You will doubtless be eating cookies far sooner than your big brother did! :)

What a big month this has been! It seems like your little personality is unfolding so much these days.

As of this month ...

- You have six teeth (with some more coming, I think). Four on top and those two early, alert ones on the bottom. I love your new toothy smile!

- You are into everything! My full-time job is making sure you're not splashing in the toilet, going headfirst into the bathtub, pulling the baby gate over at the top of the stairs, poking your finger into outlets, or eating out of the trash can. So that makes those other part-time jobs (like cleaning, cooking, laundry, work, etc) a little tougher to squeeze in, but it is so worth it!

- You are just a ball full of delightful expression. I love getting you up from a nap, because your whole body waves and kicks with excitement, and then you lay your little head down on my shoulder--just for a moment--and then kick and wave in excitement again!

- You have picked up some very fun little interactive actions. You wave "hi" and "bye" (though it may not be quite when someone is coming or going), you clap very appreciatively (for yourself or others' fine accomplishments), you sign "all done" and a version of "more, please" at meals, and you'll stick your tongue out when someone else does. You also have a great head bob, which we call your "grooving." Nobody taught you that one; you just picked it up! :)

- You are a very fast crawler, and you pull yourself up on everything. It's a special joy to jump at the baby gate (which, as mentioned previously, isn't quite sturdy enough for your most vehement shaking) and look out the window in your bedroom.

- You are eating great ... still mostly mushy things, but also Cheerios, bits of bread, your special crackers, and (your favorite) squeezy packs of fruit.

- We just love your vocalizations. You croon and laugh and say "da da da" and "ba ba ba" and "yum yum." And you definitely know what I mean when I say, "Let's go find Daddy and big brother!"

- You love bathtime. You'll sit in the tub, kicking your little legs and rocking with happiness.

- You have thrilled and delighted me by beginning to sleep through the night. God has given us such a luxury, to be able to put you in your own bedroom now, and though it's still not perfect, you will typically sleep from about 6:45pm to 5:30 or 6am. Hurray!

- Yesterday big brother got a bonk on his head, and you crawled over making very consoling noises. You snuggled up next to Victor, and then, for just a minute, you leaned your head on his chest, and you both just quietly held each other. It was so tender, melted my heart.

Too late to catch the snuggle, but here you're still happily hanging out with Big Brother

I pray that you will grow in love for your brother, your Momma and Daddy, your friends at church and other family, and most of all, my Josiah, for Jesus. He is the one who will always be with you, and He is the one who is all that you need.

We love you, Misty Mr. Meister Moo, and we are so glad you're in our family!

Snuggles and kisses,

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