Sunday, April 12, 2015

A Letter to Josiah

Dear Josiah,

My little one, you are growing and changing so much. It's always a thrill to see the first sure signs of understanding and responsiveness in a child, and we just love to watch as you absorb and engage with your world each day.

So many things show us that you are understanding huge amounts. You imitate so many sounds. Today you started saying, "I love you," when we said that to you. You make animal noises for lions, cows, goats, and monkeys. You say "wow" and "yay" and "yum" and "buzz."

When we ask if you'd like some more please or if you're all done, you will respond with the appropriate sign language... and how it delights my heart to see your little "please," even when I don't prompt it.

Responding in right ways is a life or death matter, my son. Responding in obedience and courtesy to your parents is one little step of grace, a step that we fervently pray will pave the way for your heart to respond in full, glad surrender to Jesus.

I've already written about the reasons why we chose your name to be Josiah. To summarize in a sentence, it is our prayer that you (like that young king in the Old Testament) will turn to the LORD with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might (2 Kings 23:25).

We live in a day where seeing God as our great Authority and King is quite out of style. It is fashionable to "be true to yourself," to "follow your dreams," to "never stop believing in yourself." I'll be frank, my son. These things  are foolishness. To blindly follow the way of your heart will lead to disaster, dishonor, and destruction. Our hearts are sick, and Isaiah 64:6 says that even the good things we try to do are gross and dirty at the core.

My little one, you are still so young, but already the impulses of your heart lead you toward self-harm. You want what is forbidden... electrical outlets, sharp implements, choking hazards. At the deepest point, that impulse is not just a will set against Mommy and Daddy... it is a will opposed to God's ways. And it gains you--like your parents--a sentence of eternal judgment from a perfect and always-right God.

But O, what a wonderful God He is! He did not leave us to self-destruct in our own sin. No, He did the most astounding and amazing thing we could dream of. He gave us His own precious Son, God Himself in a little body like yours. And Jesus grew and did what no man has ever done. He was the perfect reflection of God's ways, the flawless keeper of God's Word.

And in shocking mercy, He lived perfectly... yet died on the cross to cover over the horrid sins of His rebellious people. He died, my Josiah, to purchase your pardon and make a way for you to come close again to our awesome Father in heaven.

And if you will give your heart to Him in simple, utter faith, He will give you a new heart and put His own beautiful Spirit in you. A heart that is completely His.

So this is my life verse, my prayer for you all your days, that you would be one that God looks to and moves mountains for, as 2 Chronicles 16:9 says:
For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.
Give your heart to Him, little one. He will pardon you, change you, and give you an eternal hope and joy that nothing can touch.

We love you, sweet Josiah! May your heart be always in God's hands.

Your momma

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