Friday, December 11, 2015

*Sigh* Delayed

So... today was the long-awaited ultrasound! Originally, it was scheduled for this Tuesday, but that was our staff Christmas party, so we delayed until Friday.

Everything was right on schedule, and I pulled into the parking lot 10 minutes early. And then, just as I shifted into park, I had a horrible realization. I wasn't supposed to be at the Burnsville clinic, I was supposed to be at the Edina clinic. When we rescheduled, we had to switch locations too...

I pulled out again and jumped on 35W, calling Ben as I drove.

"Okay, I just realized that we need to be at Edina, not Burnsville," I said.

"Well, actually, I'm already in the waiting room here in Burnsville," he told me.

"Alright, then just ask the receptionist, and she can give you the Edina address, and you can meet me there. Oh, and can you have them call the Edina office and let them know I'm on my way and I'll just be a couple minutes late?"

In vexing fashion, I could not get Siri to locate the Edina address for directions, but I knew I could get very close, and when I hit a stoplight I'd figure it out.

Halfway down 35W, Ben called back.

"Um, they said that you won't be able to do the ultrasound late at Edina, so you should come back here, and maybe they can squeeze you in here," he said.

"Really? I'm only going to be like 5 minutes late," I said.

"That's what they said."

With a sinking feeling, I took the next exit and headed back south on 35W.

Ben called again. "So, they aren't going to be able to fit you in because it's an extra long ultrasound."

The internal wrestling match of frustration and disbelief and disappointment commenced. I ungraciously agreed to go to a coffee shop with Ben for an unplanned date (since we had just left our boys with the babysitter a mere 15 minutes earlier or so) and nursed a cup of ice water without talking much.

But, after time to cool down and look at things reasonably, I can see that this unforeseen delay is really not a big deal. I got a nice long conversation with Ben (a rare opportunity, of late!), and in a week, we can try this all again.

Thankful for kicks in my belly and the surprise that still awaits.

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