Thursday, September 29, 2016

2 1/2 Years Old!

2 1/2 years old!

2 years old

18 months old

1 year old

11 months old

10 months old

9 months old

 8 months old

7 months old

6 months old

5 months old

4 months old

3 months old

2 months old

1 month old

2 weeks old

Dear Josiah,

You are 2 1/2 years old! I think you have grown 2 inches this summer, and you are such a big boy!

Things that you love right now:

- Riding your Strider bike
- Garbage trucks, concrete mixers, motorcycles, and helicopters
- Playing with colored rice and little trucks
- Playing with sand, shovels, rocks, gravel, and dirt
- Playgrounds and picnics
- Playing baseball

Favorite foods:

- Pizza
- Applesauce
- PB&J
- Ice cream, chocolate, M&Ms, etc
- Pretzels
- Dum-Dums
- Popsicles

Common activities:

- Playing trucks and trains
- Running and bouncing
- Finding rocks and sticks
- Riding your bike
- Driving your Cozy Coupe and tricycle

You love to move and stretch and dance. You are my bouncing bunny, always moving, full of funny questions and ideas.

When you come and see me in the morning, you'll blow me kisses and wave and say, "Bye, Momma." When you need something, I'll hear you call, "Hey, Momma?" Often, you will check with me or Daddy if it is okay to do something with cute, quick little questions. "Can I go down the slide?" "Can I eat this grape?" "Can I have your hair band?" I love to hear that voice.

You love to show how big and fast you are. Many times I tell you, "Remember, you use your big muscles to be gentle and kind, to help and to protect the ones who are littler." I pray that you will continue to grow strong and heroic in spirit.

You are very observant of road signs and lyrics to music and little bugs and words. You can belt out your ABCs, and you are doing school time along with big brother Victor and doing a great job. Often you will work on a puzzle, play with dry beans, color in your notebook, count glass gems, or do a matching game while I do a workbook with Victor. You do a great job answering questions about our Bible lesson, and I pray that the stories that are growing more and more familiar will take root in your heart and give you growing love for Jesus.

When your strong little spirit bursts out in unkindness or disobedience, you seem to understand that the trouble begins with sin in your heart, and the One who can help is Jesus, who died to cover over our sins. How we pray that your hope will be founded on Him!

You and Victor are sharing a room now, and these recent weeks you have been doing a great job going to bed! You curl up with your (four) blankets, puppy, and bear, and go peacefully to sleep nearly every night. You are in a great nap season as well, and it helps your spirits so much when you get good rest!

I pray that these words may be true of you, like King Josiah in the Bible:
Before him there was no [one] like him who turned to the LORD with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his might... nor did any like him arise after him.

I pray that your heart will be tender to God's call, and that even if it is unpopular or difficult you will follow Jesus with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. May God set your course to earnestly pursue Him above anything else.

We love you and are so glad that you belong to our family!

Momma and Daddy

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