Friday, July 21, 2017

A Letter to Josiah

Dear Josiah,

You are my favorite little 3-year-old! You are a bouncy, energetic, snuggling, funny guy.

You love animals, your bear and blankie, digging in the dirt, playing with balls, and eating frosting (although you often leave the rest of the donut/cupcake on your plate).

And the things you love, you love to SAY you love!

"I love Taste of Scandinavia."
"I love bars."
"I do not love those glasses." (when Daddy was picking out new frames)
"I love this cereal."

You are also enthusiastic to praise the day ...

"This is a great day to go for a walk!"
"This is a great day to go to Wednesday Connection!"
"This is a great day to go to the library!"

I love when you are feeling joyful and thankful. We have our struggles putting aside a grumble heart very regularly as well.

You often wake up from your snooze in need of a good snuggle on my lap, and it's a sweet time to read books or just sit and be quiet together. You are certainly an introvert, and when we have too many days of people, people, people, you will sometimes just bury your head in my lap and need to be quiet. And that's just fine.

You're growing each day. You can put on your own Crocs, open the garage door, take the lid off the sand table, and put the silverware in the dishwasher.

Things You Say:

Carrying a big carton of water: "This water is so refreshing. It cools off my heart. Jesus cools off ugly hearts too."

In the car: "Can I put my water bottle in my hold cupper?"

Riding your Strider bike up a big hill: "My legs are getting sleepy."

One of my favorite things is that you recognize the shape of a cross, and when you see one (be it on a church that we are driving by or a small plastic toy), you say (totally unprompted), "That's like Jesus died on the cross!" Yes, my son, and how I pray that the cross will be a central reality for your whole life, remembering that our sins were fully paid for by Jesus, our access to God earned by His perfect record, our hope secure in the promise of life with Him forever.

But may it never be that I would boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Galatians 6:14

I love you, sweet son.


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