Saturday, August 25, 2018

Summer Memories Part 1

This has been a summer to savor. Lots of sweet, quiet, beautiful days.

A few highlights.

Here was one last family adventure before Calvin's arrival... We began a new "goal sheet" project. Our 3-part aim was 1) to obey Mommy and Daddy right away, 2) to honor Mom and Dad, and 3) to be kind to one another. At the end of the day, if there were no "sad tags" on our board, the boys got a sticker, and after getting our goal sheet full of stickers, we got to ride on a double-decker train down to the stadium downtown!

We had our train adventure on a Friday evening, and we were catching the last train of the day. Arriving at the station 3 minutes before the train's departure, we had to run up 2 flights of stairs, across a skyway, and down 2 flights of stairs. 

At 39 weeks pregnant, that was more exertion than strictly comfortable, and I told Ben at the end of the evening that I thought this baby was coming soon, like this weekend. Happily enough, he did indeed make his arrival that Sunday! 

On our double-decker train. 
At this point I'm hoping the baby doesn't come before we get back to the station...

Here we are, ready to head home from the hospital with Mr. Calvin

Grammy and Grandad came to make the whole transition peaceful and smooth.  It was such a blessing to have Grammy for 2 whole weeks!

Our first car ride with 6!

Our next goal was accomplished at the very end of Grammy and Grandad's visit: go to the zoo! It was a dripping hot 90-something day, but that meant not too many people out, and we saw the lions being fed, giraffes fed romaine lettuce by hand, and lots of other fun animals.

Ready for a hot day at the zoo

The biggest highlight of the trip, though, was Grandad's treat of riding the train. The big boys loved it, and Elliot still speaks of that with great enthusiasm!

It has been a joy to see these big brothers welcome the newest member of the family.

Sweet baby Calvin. 
More frequently referred to as Elliot for the first several weeks of life.
(Sorry, 4th-born)

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