Tuesday, March 29, 2022

8 Years Old!

8 years old! 
 7 years old
6 years old

5 years old

(4 year blue chair picture ???)

3 years old

2 1/2 years old

2 years old

18 months old

1 year old

11 months old

10 months old

9 months old

 8 months old

7 months old

6 months old

5 months old

4 months old

3 months old

2 months old

1 month old

2 weeks old

Dear Josiah,
Happy birthday, my son! 
It is a wonderful thing to celebrate God's mercy in bringing you to our family and marking 8 years of your life! 
You are a funny and inquisitive fellow, full of energy and yet sensitive to others. Tonight at supper Dad had everyone pray and thank God for something about you. Here's what they said:
  • Dad: Thank You, Lord, that Josiah is a very thankful boy.
  • Elliot: Thank You that Josiah is always kind and says "please don't" when we're playing.
  • Victor: Thank You that Josiah is very kind.
  • Calvin: Thank You that Josiah plays kindly. (or something like that...)
  • Mom: Thank You that Josiah loves Your word and that he prays for others.
There are many things we thank God for in your life!

You are gentle and kind to your little sister. And you're big enough to carry her around when she needs a change of scenery. You and your brothers take such good care of Jemima, entertaining her, making sure she does not eat tiny things, and protecting her from falling down stairs.

You continue to grow in strength and stamina. You are learning so many things in school. You love science, wildlife, and studying animals. You bike like a pro, do monkey bars like crazy, and love to run and jump.

You have a protective, caring spirit. Often you will tell me, "Mom, you shouldn't work so hard," or "Mom, you should have something to eat." You carry the heavy bag of library books for me. And you are not too big to give me a hug in the hallway at homeschool co-op.

This weekend you kids and Dad went to a park (it was a blustery 30-something day). When I asked if there were other kids playing there, you said no. "But I don't know why. It was just like summer, only colder." Funny guy!

When I look back at this school year, I can see how much you have grown in reading, math, and spelling. You trace an amazing Africa, and you enjoy cursive handwriting. You have also taken it upon yourself to try to learn some verses by heart. Love it.

You are very generous and thoughtful. Several days ago you pulled me aside privately, to ask if you could buy the brothers a little gift as a thank you for celebrating your birthday. I love to see that reflection of our generous Savior in you.

I am reminded of a verse that is one of my favorites: 
For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth, that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His. (2 Chronicles 16:9a)
What a beautiful picture this is, of our great and mighty God scanning the hearts of all His creatures, with a special bent to uphold, help, and work on behalf of one whose heart is undivided, fully submitted to Him. I am keenly aware of how far short I fall ... my heart is often fragmented in desires, impressed by humans, forgetful of God's greatness. 

This is the very reason Jesus came, because we are unable to fully pursue the LORD, unable even to want the things that He wants for us. The law that was written on stones showed us the beautiful will and ways of God, but it couldn't give us power to do them. It couldn't bring those words to life in our hearts. 

But how great it is that God sent into the world One whose heart was indeed completely His. One who obeyed the will of the Father to the uttermost. This was the One that was commended, "This is my beloved Son; listen to Him!" And when He died on the cross, He not only satisfied the wrath of God for our sin but opened the door for a great exchange--He paid our debt of sin, and now God, looking on us, would see the perfect heart of His Son. And not only would that righteousness be externally applied, but He would also send His own Spirit to dwell in our hearts and bear true fruit of righteousness from the inside out.

What a Savior! I pray that you are indeed incrementally shaped and refined to be one whose heart is completely His.

I love you, dear Josiah,

Josiah (3.31.22) 8 years old


1.       What is your favorite color? red

2.       What is your favorite fruit? apples

3.       What is your favorite video to watch? Cheetah

4.       What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? pizza

5.       What is your favorite thing to wear? new t-shirt

6.       What is your favorite game? super powers

7.       What is your favorite snack? teddy grahams

8.       What is your favorite animal? peregrine falcon

9.       What is your favorite song? Away in a Manger

10.   What is your favorite verse? Psalm 56:3-4

11.   What is your favorite book? Adventures in Odyssey or the Imagination Station

12.   Who is your best friend? Benaiah

13.   What is your favorite thing to do outside? swing on the ropeswing

14.   What is your favorite drink? Root beer

15.   What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? cinnamon rolls

16.   What do you want for dinner on your birthday? pizza

17.   What do you want to be when you grow up? a zoologist

18.   What was one of your favorite things that you did this year? go to the zoo

19.   Where is your favorite place to go? the zoo

20.   Do you have a goal or something you’d like to work on this year? learning about animal tracks

21.   Is there anything you hope will happen this year? to see the Banowetzes

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