Friday, March 22, 2024

A Few of My Favorite Things

Victor and Jemima, sitting companionably side-by-side eating cereal one morning, having a cozy little chat:

Victor: How's it going?
Jemima: No.
Victor: Why?
Jemima: Because Mom is here.
Victor: Oh, okay.
Jemima: Good.

When Lori and Betsy came to visit, Lori painted Jemima's fingernails. This was, of course, very special, and made quite an impression. While I was washing her hands the other day, she urgently cautioned me: Not my finger pops, Mom!

Calvin, after coming down with something, asked to describe how he feels: A little better. Just like an inch. If how I was feeling this morning was a foot, then I would be about an inch better.


Jemima is in a current stage of really loving the impromptu solo. I tell her very often that I love to hear her sing. Some favorite (original) tunes include "Hallelujah," "Every Morning Jesus," "God Created Every Woman," and so forth.


One of Jemima's favorite things is to hold her special blanket, whom she refers to as "baby," pushes in the stroller, comfort, and generally showing the most tender care.


Ben (starting a family discussion): What are 3 words that describe our family?
Victor: Stink, stank, stunk.
Calvin: Lovely, enjoyable, fun.


Calvin: I don't really like eating carrots, because it feels like you have to eat them for all your life.


Mom to Josiah and Elliot in a grammar lesson, trying to bring clarity about the part of speech of the word "hungry" in a sentence: "Who was hungry?"
Jemima: "Me!"

Sweet moments: 


Absolutely unbelievable to remember these sweetie pies...

 And a sweet one of Great-Grandma Vaupel and Calvin: 

Also from the ancient archives...

Calvin crawling... 



First cereal 

Little Drummer Boy 

Obstacle courses 

Sweet baby Calvin 

Reading together

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