Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Out of Commission

I'm kind of a task-oriented person, and sometimes the Lord determines I need to be totally unplugged for a season.

That was how the past week went.

First, we had no internet at home.
Then, my computer went on the fritz (so even though we had internet, I couldn't connect).
Then, I got mastitis.

It's a good reminder that I'm not that indispensable to the world at large, and sometimes I need to buckle down and do the unglamorous work of mopping my kitchen floor and cleaning the bathroom.

(All three of those items are still in the process of being resolved, so if it comes to mind, I'd appreciate prayer!)

Now, let me try to get those videos posted again... (Sorry for the technical difficulties on the last post.)

Victor really loves watching his mobile (at least in his happy times he does). And the song you hear is one that now plays in my dreams...

And here is a bonus video:

I believe Victor takes after cousin Hudson, because he gets really, really happy when his legs are unencumbered... I missed the crazy kicking spell, but you can still see the happy (and those cute chubby legs).

1 comment:

  1. Hudson LOVED watching all the videos (over and over and over... :)).
    Wish I was there to kiss those chubby thighs!
