Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sermon Application

Last night around 8:45pm, Ben called home. He was done with class (good news) and had just realized that the backpack pocket where he carried his wallet was totally unzipped ... and no wallet was inside (bad news). He had walked all the way to class from his street parking, through Loring Park.

The situation was bleak.

He told me he'd call again in a few minutes when he got to the car and let me know if the wallet was on the floor there.

My initial emotions were not sanctified.

Frustration (I'm tired and don't want to deal with this).
Irritation (why didn't you zip your pocket?).
Anxiety (what all was in your wallet?).
Despondency (I know God CAN let it turn up, I just doubt He will.)

I shot off an email asking for prayer to some family and friends.

While I fretted and waited for his call, I happened to see my previous blog post "Smiles." Reading it, I was convicted at my own limp faith. Surely now was the very time that God was calling me to rise up in confidence in His good intentions.

That brought to mind our sermon on Sunday, titled, "If God Knows Everything and Has Planned Everything, Why Pray?"

The message was a stirring call to ask God's help, knowing that He has ordained prayer as a means to the end of His good purposes being fulfilled.

So I prayed again (with a little less angst).

The wallet wasn't in the car.

To make a somewhat longer story short, Ben called the bank to cancel credit and debit cards, called the church (because his wallet also had a church credit card in it), and filed an online police report.

We got to bed late, and when I was up for the middle-of-the-night feedings, I had to fight back anxiety again.

This morning, when Ben checked his messages, Dunn Bros Coffee had called, saying that his wallet had been found!

We retrieved it this afternoon (intact minus cash).

But maybe more significant, God gave me a heart change last night--I didn't glare and gripe at Ben when he got home. I didn't fester in worry. Even knowing the cash (of unknown amount) was taken, I feel content.

God reminded me that He is trustworthy. The truths that I rehearse about His character are not just theoretical, they are more real than anything else in the world. And when He invites us to cast our cares on Him because He cares for us, He means it.

[P.S. It's a wonderful sermon; give it a listen:


Sorry it won't let me insert a hyperlink for some reason...]

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