Monday, October 15, 2012


Dear Victor Albert,

Sometimes it feels like life starts rolling too quickly to keep up.  That has been the past week or so.

You came down with a cold last week.  Just a normal, run-of-the-mill, sniffly-nosed, coughing, sneezing, droopy variety, but it pressed us pretty hard.

You needed some extra snuggling, and I couldn't do much when you were awake.  You woke yourself up coughing, so naptime (i.e. work time) took a hit.

Grammy and Grandad were coming for the weekend, and they were going to keep you overnight on Friday so Daddy and I could go to a bed and breakfast.  But you started gagging and choking on the phlegm draining down your throat, so we stayed home to be sure your night wasn't too rough.

When you're sick, I feel like every muscle of my body tenses up, wanting to make you okay.  But even just a little cold shows that I'm not sufficient to protect you.

So it was a good weekend for your child dedication.

Together with your parents who love you dearly, and this people who care about the outcome of your faith, I dedicate you to God, surrendering together with them all worldly claims upon your life in the hope that you will belong wholly to Jesus Christ, forever.

It's our privilege and very precious joy to be your parents, Victor Albert.  And it's a high calling.

There are five promises we gave our "I do" to in front of the congregation:
  1. Do you recognize these children as the gifts of God and give heartfelt thanks for God’s blessing?
  2. Do you now dedicate your children to the Lord who gave them to you, surrendering all worldly claims upon their lives in the hope that they will belong wholly to Jesus Christ?
  3. Do you pledge as parents that, with God’s fatherly help, you will bring up your children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord, making every reasonable effort, with patience and love, to build the Word of God, the character of Christ and the joy of the Lord into their lives?
  4. Do you promise to provide, through God’s blessing, for the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual needs of your children, looking to your own heavenly Father for the wisdom, love and strength to serve them and not use them?
  5. Do you promise, God helping you, to make it your regular prayer that by God’s grace your children will come to trust in Jesus Christ alone for the forgiveness of their sins and for the fulfillment of all his promises to them, even eternal life; and in this faith follow Jesus as Lord and obey his teachings?
We aren't sufficient for the task.  But we know the All-Sufficient One and put you in His hands, even as we put ourselves there again too.

May the LORD be your counselor all the days of your life.
Even in the night, may the LORD instruct your heart.
May you always set the LORD before you.
May the LORD always be at your right hand so that you will never be shaken.
May your heart be glad; your tongue rejoice; and your body rest secure.
May the LORD make known to you the path of life, fill you with joy in His presence, and give you pleasures at His right hand forever and ever. 

We love you, Victor Albert.

Momma and Daddy

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