Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Seeking Order

The past several weeks I have been feeling convicted of a need for a little more order and purpose in my days.  Being at home with Victor and working part-time leaves me with more flexibility than I ever had while working full-time, but without a plan the days just seemed to kinda fly by while too many things were left undone around home.

I read somewhere (but can't remember where) that chaos, disorder, and mess are a part of the fall and should be resisted.  We belong to a God of order and good design, so just letting things degenerate into hub-bub doesn't reflect His nature.  (But I still don't think "cleanliness is next to godliness"!)

So it started with a long list of things I'd like to get done every week or once a month and then breaking down the duties to various days of the week (wherever they seem to fit most logically).  There isn't much more schedule than that, but it was enough to help feel more purposeful when Victor woke up and I tried to figure out what to do next.

And that more or less led to wanting better storage, so there would be somewhere to put all the stuff.  And, thanks to Craigslist, Ikea, our wonderful Ed, and my dad, there has been some headway in that too!

I realize this is not pristine or highly aesthetically pleasing.  But it feels like we're heading a better direction at least. 

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