Saturday, February 23, 2013

Safe and Sound

Dear Victor,

You got to play with Mr. Kevin and Ms. Sue last night, while Momma and Dad went off to pray.  They said you were so happy, you skipped bathtime because you just wanted to play.  Refused a bottle, snuggled in for your reading of Most of All Jesus Loves You, and never made a peep once they put you down for the night.

That's good balm for Momma's heart.  I grew up in such a secure home.  The brick walls were impenetrable; Daddy was there to keep away bad guys (never mind that he was a little foggy when awakened from a deep sleep in the middle of the night, to invite a stranger in for hot cocoa); the neighbors were friends.

I want you to know for sure Momma and Daddy are coming back, so you can keep on curling up for bed without a troubled heart, even if we aren't near. I want you to enjoy lots of older and younger friends and rest in the knowledge that you are greatly loved.  I want to give you a solid foundation to stand on, so you're not shaken by fears.

We are wondering what God has in store for us on the road ahead.  Maybe things will feel very different, or maybe you won't notice much has changed.  But regardless, how I savor the knowledge that there is a solid rock for you to stand on.  Winds and waves may crash against the house, but if we "build our life on the Lord Jesus Christ," we may indeed trust that our hearts will stand firm.

We love you, Victor Albert.  And we trust your life to our "rock of habitation, to which we may continually come."

With our hearts and prayers,
Momma and Daddy

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