Tuesday, July 1, 2014

3 Months Old!

Hard to believe Josiah is already...

3 months old!

2 months old

1 month old

2 weeks old

Dear Josiah,

You have had a busy month, this month. To be honest, it's been a bit of a whirlwind.

Some hard things have come.  We started physical therapy to help strengthen and stretch your neck, so that you can turn your head to the left naturally (treatment for torticollis).  We said good-bye to some of our closest family friends, who moved out of state.  We made it through a big work transition time for Mom (and you weathered quite a few long days of meetings and trainings in the process!), and we are praying for God's leading about some other possible changes on the horizon for our family.

Some wonderful things have come.  You have become so smiley and responsive; it's a delight to talk to you and hear your expressive little conversation back.

We have enjoyed some special family times, with Daddy out of classes for a bit. And you have been a sweet, patient, laid back little fellow through just about everything.

You are falling into a bit of a routine now.  You generally wake up around 6:30am (oddly synchronized to Victor's emerging from his bedroom!), and you'll have cheerful awake time for an hour or so before snoozing a good portion of the morning.  Then we normally see you again in the middle of the day for some more awake time before a good afternoon nap.  You'll head to bed between 6:30pm and 7:30pm, get one more feeding before I go to bed, and then you generally sleep until about 4am for another meal.  How often I have thanked God for giving me a sleepy little boy for this season of life!

I cannot say that these weeks have been a piece of cake.  Many times a day I feel my inadequacy to be all that you and Victor need.  But those times are opportunities to ask for God's ever-present help and rest in His sufficiency.  He knows your needs better than I do, and He has no limitations or deficiencies in His care.  And what a privilege it is to be your and Victor's mother and Daddy's wife.  My cup runs over!

What a joy you are to us, little mister!  We love you and pray that God will continue to guard and keep you and shape within you a heart to love and trust in Jesus all the days of your life.

Love you bunches,

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