Tuesday, July 29, 2014

4 Months Already!

How can it be...

4 months old!

3 months old

2 months old

1 month old

2 weeks old

Dear Josiah,

Has it really been a month since I wrote you my last note? Are you really closing in on a half-year of life with us?

I was looking at some pictures of big brother yesterday and just about panicked to realize that you are already growing so fast ... you are not such a tiny, little baby anymore (like we always tell Victor)! There's a whole bin of clothes we discovered in the garage that you barely even fit into.

You are a tall, tall boy, already stretching the feet in your 6-9 month sleepers. Lately we've been reading books during tummy time (which we're trying to get in 4-5 times a day, per your physical therapist's encouragement). This morning you had your eyes glued on the books all the while we read Olivia Counts, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Let's Dance, Little Pookie, and Old McDonald Has a Farm.

Your days are still pretty fluid. You get up sometime between 6:30-8am normally and still take several little naps in the morning. Normally you'll take a nice long nap in the afternoon (today excepted...). You do a lot of flexing to accommodate others--so we can go to Victor's "special program" at the library on Mondays or make it to Wednesday Connection picnics or Sup 'N Stuffs.

I'm thankful for your big, full-body grin when someone tickles you. I'm thankful for your peaceful sleep--still pretty much through the night, with just one feeding sometime in the early morning. I'm thankful for how you snuggle against my shoulder to burp and I can kiss your soft head before going to bed. I'm thankful for how you grip Victor's finger (which he loves) and kick your feet while we hang out together.

Pretty much every day I ask God to help me be the Momma you need, and to grow you into a strong, faithful, and humble follower of Jesus. It may still be some time before we see how He will answer that prayer, but I trust that He is already sowing seeds in your heart even now.

You are a precious gift to us, and we love you.


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