Tuesday, September 2, 2014

5 months old!

Two little cutie pies sitting in a big blue chair.

Which one is ...  
5 months old!

4 months old

3 months old

2 months old

1 month old

2 weeks old

Dear Josiah,

Oh my little son, you are getting so big! It has been quite an eventful month.

Since last I wrote, you have ...

- Rolled over from front to back and back to front.  Quite a few times.

- Grown to 16 1/2 lbs and 26 inches long.

- Absolutely maxed out the 9-month sleepers I'm putting you in.

- Fallen into a very comfortable routine of naptimes, generally 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon, with bedtime somewhere around 6:30-7:30pm.

- Charmed everybody around with your big smile whenever someone pays real attention to you. You have a great, wide smile that creeps across your whole face when you realize that someone. is. looking. right. at. you. And especially if they tickle your tummy or lean in close to kiss your forehead or talk to you. In the park, at the store, at church, and with friends, you are a wooer, just like Daddy (StrengthsFinder Top 5 for Dad).

- Really started liking the Baby Bjorn, now that you can look out and see the world and kick your toes and wave your arms freely. I love it too, except that you're killin' my shoulders, you big boy.

- Gotten really good at tummy time.  You can hold your head up nice and high now, and you are doing well with turning your head to the left too.  Still just slightly tighter on that side, so we're still working on that and have a couple more physical therapy appointments.

- Grown very fond of holding, eating, and playing with rings, balls, Momma's hair, and your little monkey toy.  You have a very, very firm grip.

- Started talking with this very funny old man kind of voice, back in your throat.  It's a happy sound!

- Really begun enjoying the great outdoors.  Especially in the Baby Bjorn or lying on the ground on a fuzzy blanket, you can soak in the fresh air for a long time very happily.  And today was just a perfect day to do that!  It's so fun being outside together, with Victor riding his tricycle or playing at the park and you kicking gleefully away.

- Turned into quite a daddy's boy.  You love your papa and give him big smiles!  Normally he can coax you into a cheerful spirit even if you're feeling crabby.

These months go so quickly, Mr. Josiah-meister, and we are soaking up the days.  We pray that God will continue to strengthen your body and give you a heart to love and follow Jesus all the days of your life.

With a kiss for your head and a big raspberry for your sweet little belly,

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