Saturday, September 27, 2014

Meltdown Moments

It was Tuesday. Very poor nap for Josiah. Both boys coming off colds. Two doctor appointments in a row.  We arrived too early for our first appointment, and had to wait 20 minutes before our second.

We were on thin ice for sure.

The books were not interesting.
Victor didn't want a snack.
Not the time to pull out the contents of the backpack, just before being called for our appointment.
Victor started pushing the stroller wildly around the waiting room, and I said he needed to stop.

Major meltdown.

This (of course) was the time that Josiah realized he was ravenous and exhausted, and he really cranked the screams into second gear.

The receptionist, our physical therapist, and the other occupants of the waiting room at that time got quite a show. (I tried to duck into the adjoining bathroom, but the door wouldn't open. Of course.)

Something about two screaming children, a stroller, a Baby bjorn, a backpack, a diaper bag, and a sweaty, somewhat helpless, momma just felt ... right.

This is life down here, right? The moments when everything comes unglued at once, when the sin of our hearts sloshes over, and it's no good trying to paste a happy face on top.

And it's really for our good.

Perennially cheerful, sweetly obedient, and compliant children could make me forget that there's a little sinner's heart underneath it all. And that my job as a mother is not just to enforce behavior modification. It's to pray for and shepherd toward a God-given heart transformation.

And whatever the inconvenience and disruption, such moments open the door for talking about the most important things.

We have bad, broken hearts (Mommy too). But God didn't leave us alone in our sin. He sent Jesus, who was always good, but He died to cover over our sin. And if we will trust in Him, He will forgive us and give us a new, good heart, so that we can be with Him forever.

So, I always love you, my two little boys, and I pray that you will see your need for a big God and receive His big grace that helps us in our time of need. Which is all the time.

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