Monday, February 16, 2015

Valentine's Day Weekend

Last Saturday was Valentine's Day. In a "blue" kinda house, we didn't get into too much hearts or frills, but it was a pretty special day nonetheless.

I slept in (kinda inadvertently... oops) and Ben played with the boys while I had some quiet time. Then it was eggs and cinnamon rolls for breakfast (Victor polished off a good plate of eggs and 2 cinnamon rolls). 

Then I took Victor and Josiah to Target so Daddy could have a little snooze and time to himself. We got a bag of coffee as a Happy Valentine's Day present and a new sweater for Victor. And it was pretty quiet in the store, so we played a little hide-and-seek in the women's clothing section too. :)

After Josiah's morning nap, we bundled up for lunch at Erbert and Gerberts. There was some fun music playing, and Josiah totally started grooving to the tunes. It was hilarious! He'd bob his head and then laugh and clap and do it all again.

After lunch, we headed to the zoo, where they had a special huge sandbox set up by the Tropics Trail. Victor brought a bucket and shovel, and he and Daddy excavated for a while in the warm ... ignoring the frigid weather outside.

After afternoon snoozes, we had some riotous Rody races, bouncing from the living room to Victor's bunkbed and back ... Victor vs. Daddy, Victor vs. Mommy, Victor taking a victory lap. There were thrills, spills, and much uproarious laughter.

We had a special Valentine's Day dinner of pizza dip and homemade peanut butter cup bars (food = Mommy's love language). And to top off a lovely day, when the littles were in bed, Ben and I finished watching (the good BBC version of) Pride and Prejudice.

Sweet, sweet.

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