Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Happy 2 Months, Elliot!

You were so sleepy this morning (I had to wake you up to load into the car for our trip to Iowa) that you stayed curled up for your picture! Here you are, big man...

2 months

 1 month

 2 weeks old

Dear Elliot,

It is nearly impossible to remember what life was like without you. You have fully wormed your way into our hearts. We love you so.

In news of late, you:

- Typically sleep 3-5 hour stretches at night. Granted, it still doesn't feel great to wake up at 2am to feed you, but you are quicker at eating, less spitty, and don't need to be changed every time, so most nights feel pretty good!

- Wear size 2 diapers and are barely fitting into 3 month clothes. You crazy boy, I don't even know where the next size of boy clothes are stored yet! At your 2 month doctor meeting (which was a week early) you weighed 14 lbs... a record for my boys at this age.

- Are normally fairly mellow and stoic. But after just eating when we change your diaper, you often get into a cute, chatty attitude and will coo and smile in the sweetest ways. Almost never when I actually have a camera handy though, so it's not much documented.

- Make great sound effects. Lots of bleating like a goat, some great "creaky door" sighs when you're deep asleep... Good entertainment.

- Do very well with tummy time (more contented than your two brothers) and enjoy hanging out in the swing. Most times you take a morning snooze in your carseat while we're going out to a park or picnic, and you'll generally do a nice afternoon nap when your brothers are sleeping (thank You, Jesus!).

- Are a good traveler. For our trips to Iowa so far, you sleep like a champ, stop and eat once, and then sleep again. You very rarely make a fuss when the car is moving.

As you grow and change, our prayer for you is the same, little son. May you fully embody the meaning of your name, "The LORD is my God," and may your heart fear and trust in our great God all the days of your life!

We love you so,

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