Wednesday, February 20, 2019

8 Months!

8 months old!

7 months old

6 months old
 5 months old

4 months old

3 months old

 2 months old

1 month old

2 weeks old

Dear Calvin,

Big man! You are growing like a weed and a pretty charming little fellow. Big news of late includes:

- You graduated from your helmet! Actually, we "graduated you" because there was a nagging sore on the back of your head that just didn't want to heal fully. But I think your head is beautiful, and it's so nice being able to kiss your forehead again.

- You graduated from physical therapy! You now roll both directions, sit up fairly sturdily (albeit you throw yourself backwards regularly still), and are in the normal range for your age. Well, we think you're exceptional ...

- Still not always fabulous at nights, but normally you'll eat in the 1-3am range and then make it til morningish time. I don't really have a strategy for this anymore. I'm bracing myself for hitting 9 months and stopping the middle of the night feedings altogether. Please don't scream for hours, okay?

- You like carrots and sometimes oatmeal cereal. You don't really care for sitting in your booster seat. I normally give you solid food twice a day, but it's still a pretty minor piece of your nutritional intake.

- You have a tooth! Popped through on the bottom a couple days ago.

- Dad popped you in the bounceroo that hangs from a doorway, and you were a fan! Your big brothers continue to entertain you and bring you toys, and when you sleep well you are so charming and cheerful. When you don't sleep well, you are a cranky pants, but that is true of me as well.

- You're wearing 12 month clothes! You look like such a big boy in those outfits. Reminds me how fast time flies.

John 13 was a passage I taught on this week, and it is so rich in truths for us to hang our hats on. Jesus washes His disciples' feet, and Peter revolts at the notion. In response, Jesus says something so important: "If I do not wash you, you have no share with Me." The sovereign glorious King of the universe set aside His glory and came to earth not to offer inspirational counsel or rally us to greater success but to ransom us from our sin.

Isaiah 64:6 puts it like this: “We have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment.” We can’t trade places with Jesus, tell Him to sit back and let us do the scrubbing, because the stain of sin in our hearts does not only taint our worst possible moments—it pollutes even our very most righteous deeds.

Little Calvin, you are a precious child, but nevertheless there lurks already in your heart the brokenness of sin that you are unable to fix on your own. How we pray for you, that you will look to Jesus, our Passover Lamb, the one who laid down His life for His sheep, and find in Him the cleansing we all so desperately need. He has done it all for us, if we will turn to Him and believe.

I love you, little man,


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