Wednesday, December 21, 2022

18 Months Old!

18 months old!

1 year old
11 months old

10 months old
9 months old

8 months old
7 months old
6 months old
5 months old
4 months old
3 months old
2 months old
1 month old
2 weeks old

Dear Jemima, 

Well, it's been a while, but you're 1 1/2 now! These days are a whirlwind of adventure, and you are right in the midst of the happy hubbub. Thus, I bring this update 6 weeks late. :)

What you've been up to these days:

- On the Move:  you started walking at 15 months. Since then, you walk, run, climb, and basically get into the action wherever it may be.

- Heights to Scale: you can pretty much reach any surface in the house, including kitchen counters, table, piano bench, arms of couches, etc. 

- Happy to Help Yourself: if there's something you want/need, you're quite an independent child. 


One Saturday morning, I was scurrying around getting ready to haul out of the house en route to visit friends. I glance over to see that you happily had climbed up on the bench by our kitchen table, located the three leftover pancakes from breakfast, carefully spread them out on the tablecloth, and were glug-glug-glugging the maple syrup on top very intently.

Last week, during a visit from Grammy and Grandad, we were all chatting and hanging out in the living room, but you had wandered off to play in the other room. My mom (astutely) asked me, "Do you ever worry when you don't see Jemima for a while?" Right on cue, you sauntered in from the other room, looking very pleased, cookie in hand. (But really, you had a very clear conscience, since you didn't take it away to scarf secretly in a corner...)

- Chatty Lady: you understand so much and give your own commentary on much that is going on. 

Your words:

  • Ootie: smoothie
  • De-ter: Victor
  • Daddee: Daddy
  • Detza: pizza (i.e. any food she likes that is not smoothie)
  • Teve: Mr. Steve
  • Iah: Josiah
  • Ni-ni: good night
  • Nana: banana
  • Dom: down
  • I-yu I love you
  • De-de: blanket
  • Beep: any buttons that make noises
  • Baba: water bottle
  • De du: thank you
  • E-us: Jesus

When your brothers were talking about our friend Mr. Steve one morning, you were peering out the window, trying to find Mr. Steve (who often helps out with yardwork). You were extremely disappointed not to see him...

Favorite food: banana smoothie, pizza, cookies, donuts, grapes, pear, cucumber, peas, and so forth
Favorite activity: reading books
Favorite attire: special shoes (something the boys were never into...)
Favorite animal: puppies (at a safe distance)

- You love to help me empty the dishwasher. You are actually starting to be rather helpful, putting bowls and spoons on the table for breakfast.

Celebrating this Advent season with you has been sweet. Perhaps the most magical thing for you are the colorful twinkle lights decorating our home. And I can think of few other symbols as fitting for the season. 
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone. Isaiah 9:2
It is certainly evident that our world is plunged into deep darkness: pain, sorrow, bondage, loss, sin, and brokenness mark every level of life. And we deserve no better. We have embraced rebellion against our Maker and King, and we really should be left to reap what we have sown.

But God. As we have been learning in Ephesians 2, God did not abandon us to our own hopeless condition but in fathomless grace sent His own Son into the darkness to bring the light of life. What a gift. What a hope. What a great love.

I hope that our festivities (however chaotic and unpolished they may be) point to the joy that was born when Christ entered our world as a child, to live a perfect life, to give His life as a payment for our sin, to rise again demonstrating His utter triumph over sin and death. May our joy and hope reflect the greatness of His grace.

Merry Christmas, sweet Jemma! 

We love you so,


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