Monday, January 9, 2023

11 Years Old!

Guess who has officially graduated from the "blue chair" phase of life...
11 years old!

For nostalgia's sake...
10 years old

 9 years old

8 years old

 7 years old

 6 years old

5 years old

4 years old

3 years old

2 years old

18 months

One year old

11 months

10 months

9 months
8 months

7 months

6 months

5 months old

4 months old
3 months old

2 months old

1 month old

2 weeks old

Dear Victor,

Someone asked me yesterday how it was having an 11-year-old. It's great! The Lord has been doing a great work in your life, and I am so thankful for the kind, hard-working, gentle, and thoughtful young man you are growing to be.

You completed your first full trek through the Bible last year, and you continue to share encouraging thoughts from your personal time in the Word. We are working on memorizing Ephesians as a family, and you definitely have the strongest aptitude for capturing those words and rehearsing them by memory. What a treasure trove to be storing up!

You are very independent in most of your schoolwork now, although I still work on language essentials with you (and it is a true joy to diagram sentences and discuss grammar together). I also get to teach your class in writing at our homeschool co-op. May the Lord give you truly wise, articulate, and persuasive communication of truth throughout your life. I love hearing your enthusiastic review of what you've read in history or tidbits you discovered in science.

In the last year, I have observed you growing in maturity, discernment, and sensitivity. You continue to be a very strong extrovert and enjoy all the opportunities to gather with friends and family, but you also have had many opportunities to accept unexpected changes in plan, lost opportunities, and disappointments with patience and humility. Although I would never choose the sickness and sadness, the Lord is manifesting His Spirit in you through these mild sufferings, and I'm so thankful for that.

You are an enthusiastic, creative, and kind friend, and I continue to be so grateful for the host of good friends God has brought to us. May He help you be like iron sharpening iron in those relationships and help you spur one another on toward Christ.

You are an able and even-keeled big brother, and when you have the responsibility of caring for your younger brothers and sister, you often manifest a peacemaker spirit and gentle attitude. Your little sister has a knack for interrupting your play, messing up your things, and generally making her presence forcefully known, but you patiently love her and bear with her nevertheless. It is such a joy to see how attentive, gentle, and thoughtful you are toward our sweet and troublemaking Miss Jem.

I am regularly served by you as you empty the dishwasher, clean the bathroom, and often prepare breakfast without being asked. As Jesus said, whoever wants to be great in God's kingdom should learn to be the servant of all, and I am so thankful for patterns of serving that you are cheerfully demonstrating.

You have so many interests, from playing the piano (you began lessons this year!) to building snowforts, from playing the football (a favorite at homeschool co-op) to reading, from logging vehicles that pass our house (a new hobby) to whittling. The Lord has created an amazing and huge world, and I love to see you explore it more and more.

One of the verses that jumped out to me during my quiet time recently was Matthew 28:18

All authority on heaven and on earth has been given to Me.

What a rock solid truth that is. Are we disappointed in something? Is it hard to wait for God to provide an answer to prayer? Does it seem impossible for hard circumstances to work out for good? 

Don't be fooled. Christ is in absolute control, and He wisely governs all things. One day we will see how His plan was best. May that be your life-long confidence and hope, as you seek to trust and obey Christ in all of life.

I love you so much!


Victor (1.24.23) 11 years old

What book have you enjoyed reading recently and why?

The Green Ember, because it’s exciting

What is a favorite memory from the last year?

Going to Adventureland with cousins and Grammy and Grandad

What have you been reading in the Bible lately?

Luke, when Jesus is transfigured. In that whole section it made the point that Jesus was going to die on the cross for our sins.

What is something you did for the first time last year?

Started piano lessons.

Is there something you hope to do in the next year?

Go on a road trip.

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