Friday, July 22, 2016

3 Months Old!

3 months!

2 months

 1 month

 2 weeks old

Dear Elliot,

Here we are, celebrating 3 months of life with you! What a difference a month makes. You are growing and changing so much!

- You have been consistently going to bed around 7:30pm and sleeping until a feeding between 2-4am and then sleeping until 7-8am. It is wonderful!

- You are a pretty quick eater now too. Five or ten minutes to eat and a few minutes to burp, and you're done. Most times you just eat on one side, so you're pretty efficient, buddy.

- You are so, so generous with smiles and coos! Most anytime you wake up from a good sleep, you'll beam whenever we look your way. Your brothers love this, and especially Victor will cuddle up next to you, smiling and talking to you while you grin in return.

- You don't mind tummy time but still don't pull up on your elbows much. But you're holding your head much steadier when you're sitting on a lap.

- You're almost always content to sit and take in the surroundings when you're awake. Most happy is when you can lean back on me and see what's going on around you, but you are generally mellow and happy to hang out in the swing, carseat, or kicking your feet on a blanket.

- When Daddy bounces you in the air, you give real giggles! Must be a little adrenaline rush for you...

- You have definitely gotten bigger faster than your big brothers. You're already giving Mom some back issues, and you totally outgrew your 3 month sleepers weeks ago. It was a bit of a problem, because when I finally got some 3-6 month sleepers for you and you could actually straighten your leg, you'd kick yourself out of your swaddling and wake yourself up every 3-4 hours at night!

Now I bundle you with your legs hanging out and we're back to the lovely long stretches of sleep, thank You, Jesus, but I hope you learn how to sleep with your arms free soon, because I don't know how much longer I can squeeze you into this sleep sack and you're already too big and strong to stay swaddled in anything else!

- You normally have happy wake time for an hour and a half or so between naps, and you consistently take a good afternoon nap while your brothers do. This is such a gift to Momma!

We love you to pieces and can't believe that it has already been 3 months ... and only 3 months ... that you have been here with us!

Each night I love to kiss your little forehead and pray this blessing over you:

The LORD bless you and keep you;
the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the LORD lift up the light of His countenance upon you
and give you peace.

Just as your name means "The LORD is my God," we pray that God will be your Shepherd, Redeemer, and Savior, all the days of your life.

We love you, sweet son!
Momma and Daddy 

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