Thursday, April 18, 2019

10 Months Old!

10 months old!

9 months old

8 months old

7 months old

6 months old
 5 months old

4 months old

3 months old

 2 months old

1 month old

2 weeks old

Dear Calvin,

Somehow we have passed another month already! Now it is April, the snow (from last week) is melting, and the world outside wants to introduce you to that glorious sensation of warmth called spring. What a lovely time!

Since last we checked:

- You have 6 big teeth in that cute little mouth of yours! The arrival of your 2 front teeth make you look like 1) quite a big man and 2) the spitting image of your Katterson brothers and cousins.

- I no longer prop a pillow behind you while you sit, but that doesn't mean you still don't throw yourself backwards more than occasionally. In addition, you like to reeeeeeach for toys out of grasp and flop onto your belly as well. You don't crawl, but you can kind of scooch in a sitting position to get where you want to go (quite a bit farther than I normally anticipate). You don't really care to be constrained by the exersaucer or jumperoo anymore. So limiting.

- You sleep! Having girded up my loins and made it through a few rough weeks, you now sleep pretty consistently from 7:15pm or 7:30pm to somewhere between 5am and 7am. Maybe you have a half feeding and go back to bed or maybe you make it to full wake-up time (anytime after 6:45am) and have a full breakfast. After a season of concerted effort at convincing you to take a bottle, you scream upon sight of one (at least for me). So we gave that up.

- You eat! Cereal, pears, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, banana, applesauce, prunes (just a touch), squash, and so forth. You reeeally love your little half-Cheerios, though if given in too great a quantity (i.e. more than like 3 at a time), you'll kinda gag and puke all over. But it doesn't stop you from wanting more...

- I'm still trying to squeeze you into 12 month clothes, but it's real hard to zip.

- You get cranky around mealtimes, so I'll often put on some bopping music (for example, the Let's Go channel on Pandora), and you love to groove! It's most especially funny (to you) when Momma dances too.

- Josiah's playing peekaboo is h.i.l.a.r.i.o.u.s. You give him a belly laugh like nothing else, and it doesn't matter how long he keeps popping out from behind the refrigerator, you jump every time and laugh to beat the band!

We are in the midst of Holy Week, just three days until Easter. Each day your brothers and Daddy are going through the Resurrection eggs, little by little recalling the events that led up to Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection.

How purposeful He was. He would not be distracted from the mission of the Father. How humble He was, receiving the praise of children and the cries of the crowd as He entered Jerusalem, even knowing full well that they would reject Him, demand His death just a few days later. How loving He was, serving His disciples with symbolic bread and wine and giving them promises and hope to hang onto before they understood what a crucible was coming. How obedient He was, praying for the Father's will to be done, even as He bled out of His pores for the pain, the crushing horror of bearing His Father's wrath. How gentle He was, refusing to lash out at the weakness and injustice of Pilate, the abuse of the guards, the guilty insurrectionist released in His place. How holy He was, that He could become the perfect substitute, the perfect payment for my sin--and for yours, little son.

He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

This is the good news. This is the breath-stealing trade offered to anyone who will put off the insane craving to prove our own worth before God and receive the gift of the credit of Christ's righteousness instead.

I love this season of the year, when all the bleakness outside starts to hint again at life and growth and the miracle of spring. It is a picture of what God does inside to those who trust in Jesus--where everything was dead, ugly, sick, and wrong, He gives new life and forever hope. How we pray, my Calvin, that you will come to worship and trust in Jesus as all you ever need. He is so good! And He is risen, He is risen indeed!

I love you, Calvin David,


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