Saturday, April 27, 2019

3 Years Old!

3 years old!

2 years old

18 months old

1 year old

11 months old

10 months old

9 months old

8 months old

7 months old

6 months old

5 months

 4 months

3 months

2 months

 1 month

 2 weeks old

Dear Elliot,

My big 3 year old! It is a jolly gift to have you as a part of our family, and I'm enjoying so many ways your little personality is blossoming in these days.

- It is a total hoot to hear you when you wake up. Almost always, you awake with a cheery disposition, and you'll lay in your bed, happily singing, kicking your feet, playing little games with yourself for quite a long time!

- One of my very most favorite things is when you'll alert us in the most charming fashion that it is now time to get up:

- You can definitely pack away a meal, though your preferences are markedly weighted in the direction of pb&j, apple juice, fruit, corn, and treats and away from such things as broccoli, rice, potatoes, and carrot sticks. But really, you've grown in willingness to eat all that is given to you, when helped along.

- You enjoy reading books. It's pretty much irresistible when you ask, "Do you want to read a book with me?" and crawl in my lap somewhere for a good snuggle.

- Another of my favorite things is when you come over to give me a big hug and tell me you're going to "squeeze the jelly out of me."

- You love to sleep with your puppy and blanket. Normally you're on your tummy, puppy under one arm (sure to have the blanket snuggly tucked up to both of your chins). If in the course of falling asleep you will wrangle yourself out of position, you regularly request help getting your blanket back onto your back.

- You love helping in the kitchen and are a surprisingly careful assistant with pouring, measuring, and stirring things (most of the time). You can also wash your own hands now, which is a lovely advance in capabilities.

- You love your brothers... lying next to Calvin for a diaper change, putting together puzzles with Josiah, playing fort with Victor. I love seeing how you boys are becoming buddies.

- You have a musical ear and enjoy sitting on the piano bench, crooning out little melodies to your own accompaniment.

- You have an excellent arm, with great follow-through on your shot.You still love watching hockey or using a little plastic golf club to hit around a bottle cap as your hockey puck. And you have vastly superior eye-hand coordination to make contact with it than your momma!

- You are chock-full of personality. Making faces, striking poses, telling jokes, asking questions (with your cute little head tilted to one side). You can definitely exert your will, but we are learning to take God's help to say no to sin and instead say, "Help me, Jesus!" when it's hard to do what is right.

Your name means "The LORD is my God." When you belong to God, because you are trusting in His Son Jesus, everything changes. Everything you do can be an expression of your love and trust in Him. And as it is done in dependent trust in Him, it honors and delights Him! This morning I was reading in Colossians 3, and this verse stood out to me:
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. (Colossians 3:23-24)

Can you even imagine how astounding that is? If you are putting away your plate after supper... you are serving the Lord Christ! If you are playing with Calvin to help him feel happy... you are serving the Lord Christ! As you study and learn and grow in school... you are serving the Lord Christ! When you work at home or work to earn a paycheck... you are serving the Lord Christ! I pray, Mr. Elliot, that all your days will be full of joyful, significant, satisfying service of our great Savior, the Lord Christ! He is worthy!

I love you, my precious pumpkin, Elliot James!


Elliot's birthday interview (4.26.19) 3 years old

1.      What is your favorite color? red
2.      What is your favorite toy? Cars with a light on top, like a police car
3.      What is your favorite fruit? Apple juice
4.      What is your favorite video to watch? Wild Kratts
5.      What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Macaroni and cheese
6.      What is your favorite thing to wear? Dinosaur shirt
7.      What is your favorite game? Tick-tac-toe
8.      What is your favorite snack? pretzels
9.      What is your favorite animal? doggies
10.   What is your favorite song? Hallelujah
11.   What is your favorite verse? When I am afraid I will put my trust in You, God.
12.   What is your favorite book? Clifford
13.   Who is your best friend? Zachary
14.   What is your favorite thing to do outside? Blow my own bubbles
15.   What is your favorite drink? Apple juice
16.   What do you like to sleep with at night? My doggy and my blanket
17.   What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Oatmeal
18.   What do you want for dinner on your birthday? pancakes
19.   What do you want to be when you grow up? I forget
20.   What was one of your favorite things that you did this year? Play at Grammy and Grandad’s house
21.   What is your favorite place to go? To the park with the Kattersons

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