Monday, August 6, 2012

7 Months!

7 months!

6 months

5 months old

4 months old
3 months old

2 months old

1 month old

2 weeks old

Dear friends,

Today I am 7 months old. This kinda freaks out my mom, who keeps thinking I should still be about 6 weeks.

I've had a busy month:

* I learned how to sit up by myself.

* I learned how to crawl.
* I learned how to emit a high-pitched squeal in staff meetings, church, seminars, and other places of quiet.
* I learned how to swing at the playground with Dad.

* I expanded my diet to include oatmeal, carrots, peas, pears, and green beans (if you have never tried green beans in your oatmeal, you're missing out on a real treat). So far, I like all food.
* To prove my fondness for food, I measured 75 percentile for height, weight, and head circumference at my last doctor's appointment. Momma is getting stronger arms by the day.
* There is an awful lot to see during the day, so I only really nurse when I'm half-asleep, going down for a nap or else (preferably) at 2am.
* I like to play spoons (well, spoon).
* My dad likes to dress me up like a goofball.
* But he also gives me rides on his shoulders. So he's pretty terrific.
* And my momma is not quite as fun, but she gives me kisses and hugs when I look at her with my sweet little face like this.

* My favorite things are spoons, paper, the lid of the Cetaphil cream, playing in the exersaucer, and going for walks.
* I can neither confirm nor deny the report that I said Momma on Saturday night. (But if you ask Mom, I did.)

Thanks for checking out this little update. May Jesus bless you!


  1. Victor, I love hearing about all your accomplishments. Like your Momma, I can't believe you are no longer 6 weeks. Keep up the good work.
    Auntie Krista

  2. What a big month for Victor! Hooray!
    Happy 7 months!

  3. Love his smiles! They make me smile...happy 7 months! Love you (and your momma!)
