Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Proud of Daddy

Dear Victor,

Tonight, we are so proud of Daddy. He is officially done with classes as a student (last class was Monday)! Student teaching may be yet ahead, but he has completed coursework for his Urban Elementary Education degree. Hurray!

You have never known life without Daddy in school. For that matter, I have never known married life without Daddy in school. So this is a wonderful event!

Furthermore, Daddy did a great job tonight sharing the message at our church mid-week picnic. He was supposed to give this talk on Sunday at a men's water event... but it was too cold, so they cancelled the event. But we know it wasn't an accident, and it was great to hear him share tonight instead!

(Message to be posted soon, Lord willing.)

Big hugs and slobber kisses to Daddy!
Hallelujah, thank You, Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! Way to go Ben. We are proud of you too. (We'll try to save our slobber kisses though, you just go ahead and enjoy Victor's.)
    Love you.
    Krista for the gang
