Wednesday, March 6, 2013

14 Months Old!

Oh baby, what a big boy you are!

These days, you are a hoot. 

You have extremely expressive eyebrows.  When we give you something delicious to eat, something you really, really wanted, your eyes get big, and you start to chuckle, and your eyebrows go up and down.  Or, if you're puzzling over something, your brows drop, and you look over your spectacles, so to speak, and look somewhat disgruntled.

You are so perceptive.  All day you are imitating what you see and hear.  Last night, Daddy was playing with your toys while you were in the bathtub, putting the little rubber snail inside the red lid, and then dumping it into the water.  And sure enough, you started doing the same thing, giggling and giggling like it was the biggest joke.

You make noises like you hear, you do hand motions you see.  Whenever we start a nebulizer treatment, I shake your medicine vial in a circle ... and you swing your hand in a circle too, with a big grin, like it's our secret code.

You are just crazy about kitchen appliances.  Bread machine.  Microwave.  Hot water pot.  Blender.  Mixer.  Oh, the wonders of all these marvelous tools.  You grab my legs and plead for me to pick you up so you can look in the bread machine while it kneads the dough.  You are ABSOLUTELY cued in to the microwave, and whenever it beeps, you fling your hand up to point at it and say, "Hot, hot, hot," or "Done, done!"  It creates quite a bit of consternation if the aforementioned food is not promptly removed.  Even if you're in the middle of a fit, you'll snap your head up and point at the microwave when it beeps (kind of like a bird dog who sees a pheasant...).

Similarly, you take your laundry duties extremely seriously.  If I say, "Let's go get some clothes to put in the laundry," then you head for the bedroom to get the laundry basket.  When the buzzer goes off, you urgently point to the door, so we can get it and dump it (with a flourish) on the living room floor to fold.

You're a pretty good eater.  Still mostly mushy stuff, but you do enjoy a variety of finger foods.  One favorite is little bread cubes.  Here, you can get a bit fastidious.  If the morsel of bread should happen to be a bit more triangular in shape, rather than a cube, you generally dump it on the floor. 

 We have been the happy recipients of a video monitor, which opens before us a wonderful world of spying on you when you go down for a nap.  Sometimes you go right to sleep, and sometimes you spend 2 or more hours, sitting, standing, fingering the light switch above your crib, rattling the door knob, dumping your toys overboard, sitting for a quiet discussion with your duck and donkey, and so forth.

You march around everywhere now, which makes church quite a bit more exciting, since you can disappear in a flash when Momma turns around.  You've moved up to the Yellow nursery, and you're having a ball there.

All in all, we find your development and growth to be so fun, puzzling, exhausting, endearing, and entertaining.  And we pray that as you grow in stature, like Jesus you will also grow in wisdom, and in favor with God and man.

How we love you, Mr. Victor.  May Jesus bless and keep you!

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