Saturday, March 16, 2013

Prayer for the Little Man

It was just about five months ago that Victor got the nasty bugger of a cold that bestowed the not-to-be-shaken cough and subsequent nebulizer treatments.

And after five cold-free months (from a health standpoint, that is), the poor little buddy is down for the count again.  It really just came on yesterday, but within a half a day, he was coughing up junk, with a low-grade fever and lethargy that just isn't normal.

He coughed through the night and woke up several times, but I think he still got decent rest.  We've really upped the ante on neb treatments (going from one budesonide per day, to two budesonides and three albuterols).  We're watching Bible Action Songs (thanks, Watters family!) while we neb, and now Ben and I both have those catchy little ditties stuck in our head all day. 

But I confess to feeling fairly apprehensive about the next couple days.  When I took Victor to the doctor yesterday, she said the worst will be days 3 and 4, most likely (that's about when he hit the worst in October).  But I feel like he's already hitting some choky times, so I'd appreciate prayer especially for tomorrow and Monday.

Read Psalm 16 this morning:

Preserve me, O God, for I take refuge in You.  I said to the LORD, "You are my Lord; I have no good besides You.

It's good to have a refuge.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy! Will be praying for you! I remember how difficult those days can be; especially when it's a wee little one. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). Remember in that. Press on in Christ!
