Monday, May 6, 2013

Busy Morning

Mondays always start early, since Ben heads off to work at 6:15am.

I will confess to feeling a general sense of exhaustion and dread this morning, anticipating the day. (Victor slept through the night last night, but out of force of habit I suppose, I didn't.) I was curled up in the big blue chair at 5:30am, feeling a little too cross-eyed to read my Bible, and pondering Psalm 23.

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.  
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He restores my soul.

I'll be honest, I was skeptical.

But rousing something probably less impressive than a mustard seed, I tried to lean into that promise and face the day with faith in God's faithfulness.

And the Lord was very kind.  I felt energy and cheerfulness to move into the week with more buoyancy than has been normal of late.

And the morning was very busy.  Victor and I packed Daddy's lunch, sliced a loaf of bread, ate two fried eggs (that was Victor, ug), started two loads of laundry, re-organized the pantry shelves, built a tower, pulled a cart full of blocks, washed dishes, and went for a walk before Victor's 8:30am nap.

Thankful for the Lord's kindness yet again.

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