Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Father's Heart

These quiet, often unproductive, sweet days with Victor are full of lessons about God's fatherly heart.

How precious is every snuggle to me, every tug at my leg, the arms stretched up to be held close.  My heart just bursts with thankfulness when he wraps the crook of his arm around my neck and nestles his head on my shoulder.  To be with him, and for him to rest and enjoy being with me, this is a joy.

How I desire that he would slowly learn what is appropriate and true and good.  Little by little, he mimics: "a-mam" at the end of a prayer ... "Ss-ss" at the end of our bedtime book "most of all Jesus loves you."  How many things there are to build into his little heart and mind--words from God, hymns, prayers.  We love to hear him mimic, but we want the words and ideas to settle deep into his heart and shape his whole life.

So many moments make up a day.  Most of those moments look very ordinary ... toys spread over the floor, a pause before eating a snack, waiting when Momma is busy washing dishes, whining for a bite, listening to a "no touch," dumping out the bag of toys yet again, playing with Tupperware, singing before bedtime.  Great lessons hide within those moments ... lessons in faithfulness and order, prayer, patience, thankfulness, obedience, submission to God, love for His Word, the supremacy of Christ, joy, creativity, good stewardship, grace that comes to us from Jesus.

O Lord, let me be faithful in stewarding these precious days.  Let me delight to reflect You to this little one and see a little more of Your heart in the process.

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