Tuesday, November 6, 2012

10 Months!

10 months!

9 months
8 months

7 months

6 months

5 months old

4 months old
3 months old

2 months old

1 month old

2 weeks old

Dear Victor Albert,

You are such a delight to us these days!

This month held many new adventures:

* You give the BEST snuggles.  How it melts Momma's heart when you crawl over, reach up, and wrap those sweet little arms around my neck and lean your head on my neck.  And I love your slobber kisses (though it's about a 50/50 chance if it'll turn into a bite).

* You are finally wearing socks regularly, after going barefoot most of your life.  Pulling them off is a fun game, and it's uncertain how many socks now lurk somewhere under your seat in the van.

* Eating continues to be a favorite activity.  You have got the classic Anderson trigger gag reflex, so it has taken a l o o n g time to expand your repertoire of solids.  But just this week you began eating your Gerber puffs whole (not broken into 5 teeny tiny pieces, as before)!  And your cereal may have a little bit of texture ... but if it's too much, you're still liable to gag and puke it up again.

* Momma is thrilled to note that you have appeared unaffected by her eating a little bit of cheese lately.  I haven't ventured too far into dairy experiments, but I am hopeful that your tummy may be growing more able to handle the wonderful world of dairy.

* You are an excellent drinker of water now.  It cracks us up to see you gulp away at your sippy cup and then throw it over the side of your chair with a flourish.

* This has been the Month of the Horrid Cold.  You've only had 2 colds in your life thus far, but this one has been a doozy.  You're mostly over it now, but still that nagging cough lingers and gives your Momma a real fight for keeping a peaceful heart.

* You're an ever-growing boy.  Our wonderful Grammy made some new sleep sacks so you can stay snuggly and still stretch out all the way in your crib.  I was looking at some baby clothes a couple days ago and just couldn't believe how big your sleepers are now, compared to those little bitty ones you used to wear, not so long ago.

* It is such a treat to see your little mind at work.  Every morning now after your early-morning nibble, I whisper, "Let's go find Daddy," and you start smiling as we tip-toe into the living room to sneak up on Dad.  And when he grabs you up, you give such a giggle!  You still love peekaboo, pulling books off of shelves, and wrestling with Dad.

* And you're a real gregarious fellow, making friends in the grocery store, the voting booth, the neighborhood, the office, and church.

We love you, little buddy.  You give such joy and such a motivation to pray, as we feel our great inadequacy to point you faithfully in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Never outgrow those snuggles, little button.


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